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Friday March 10, 2023

Good Morning and Happy Preparation Day!

There are some of you who are reading this who have spent time in the South, the desert south that is in the Land. Whether you have been there with us or someone else and have traveled through the region south of Beersheba and west of it, you know how arid it is. The only time you see any green there is in the winter in the Land or if it is irrigated.

Please drink in what this photo from the past 12 hours is screaming out to us from the top of the Tel. It is in Arad. Arad is NEVER green with Bedouins feeding goats and sheep on its short lived grazing season at Passover time. NEVER!

It is all brown and dead at that time in the Abib Calendar Cycle.

Good news on birds proclaiming their Biblical witness to the timing of the year.

Reports of white storks are coming in from folks who actually know how to identify them. Eyal and Eran are reporting 1,000-1200 at the Modi'in Southern Hills overlook today. We can be assured they know the difference between the WS and the migrating Black Storks.

Also WS are being reported by seasoned birders from the Mitzpe Ramon overlook today. If you have not had the opportunity to stand on the escarpments cliff top and look over the barren wasteland stretching all the way to Egypt we highly recommend you do if you make it to the Land. Today birders at the Jerusalem Bird Observatory are reporting WS flying high over the capital of Israel. Also being reported from that location are larger numbers of swifts with as many as 70 in a group.

Lets see who drops in to Agamon Hula today.

Now for the weather and another Biblical sign as to the timing of the year. The IMS is forecasting the possibility of floods for next week.

We will keep you posted on the Biblical signs in the Land with their witnesses to the decisions our Elohim have made to change from winter to summer and the start of the Month of Abib.

Our peace we give to you.


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