Abib of God Elohim
Abib Report 2018
Happy Feast of Unleavened Bread. The Great White Pelicans have flooded into the Land just as they should be, in sequence with all the other signs in creation to display the turn of the year has happened.
Brian and Linda
Click title to open.
Some pictures for you. Click the title to open.
Click title to open.
Click the title to open link.
Will try getting pictures on with this internet connection later.
Hi Folks,
Lots of problems with internet connections and equipment still flying around somewhere. Attached is todays report, click to open.
Hi Folks,
We will be conducting a Zoom Meeting online March 17 from Israel at 1 pm Eastern Time (US). We will be presenting a summation of the results of the inspection in a format where you will be able to ask questions pertaining to them. This will not be a format for airing any opinions or specific doctrine. We conduct our inspections in a manner to cover many different particular beliefs. So with that said, if anyone decides to function in a contentious manner; as the apostle Paul puts it, we will terminate their participation. This will be after the Sabbath in Israel, but many of the folks who will be participating will still be conducting the Sabbath observance. Brethren who look to this information are found in almost every nation on earth, even communist China, so please be respectful of the entire body even if they may appear different than you. Not everyone is composed of the more comely appearances. I (Brian) am a perfect example of that.
Keep safe and thank you for loving our Creators.
Topic: Results of the inspections and observations in Israel
Time: Mar 17, 2018 1:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/816657603 Note: this is a different link than our normal one
Or Telephone: (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 408 638 0968 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 816 657 603
Here is an email we received from Jonathan yesterday. Keeping you all in the loop as to the bird migrations well underway in Israel. These folks are a valuable resources in our looking for the signs described in the scriptures which point to the turn of the year, winter to summer. This year so far has been an excellent year to learn about all of them.
Hi and thanks for your message
For the past week large numbers of White Storks are already moving over Israel.
Over 2000 were counted yesterday.
Besides these there are also good numbers of Cranes as well.
Hope this helps.
Jonathan Meyrav
Tourism Director
Israel Ornithological Center
SPNI (BirdLife partner in Israel)
SKYPE jonathan.meyrav
Facebook Jonathan Meyrav Birds and Birding
March 1, 2018
Hi Folks,
We will be posting our first inspection report on Tuesday March 13 God/Elohim willing. Some have asked us to look hard for barley which will meet the minimum Lev 2:14 standard by March 18. We obviously will do this and in fact do so every year for those who use an Abib 1 date even though that date is not how we ourselves reckon the start of the new year. We also inspect domestic fields of barley and report on those as well for some use those species for their determinations. We will also be looking in the region of Jerusalem for mature enough barley as well for some only use that.
Please be mindful we only inspect barley that grows in good soils which could be plowed and sowed. We do not make any effort in the areas of goat grass.
We try to make every effort to provide others with specific information even though we ourselves don't use it. So if you have a specific request outside of these let us know and we will do our best to fulfill your request.
If it interests any of you, fig trees in several districts are growing fruit and leaves.
Brian and Linda
Here is a picture Pierre send over earlier. This is in the Hula Valley north of the Sea of Galilee. A beautiful contract of the migrating white storks in the front and common cranes in the back with one flying overhead. Notice the small beak on the crane as compared to the storks as well as the brilliant colors of the storks and the darker plumage of the cranes. reports of thousands are being posted.
Click to view.
February 28, 2018
Large numbers of White Storks have started the migration up the Jordon Valley. These are not Common Cranes which winter in the Hula Valley but the real deal. This is the earliest we have seen this many numbers coming north.
Here is a picture of domestic barley already coming out of the boot in the South (Negev) sent to us by Pierre. This is very indicative of the growing season. Click on the date to view.
We have added a link here to last Sabbaths Presentation on the current status of the volunteer barley life cycle and the tools we use to track it. It also contains a google earth presentation on where to inspect wild volunteer barley in Israel.
We are not the spit and polish type folks in our on line fellowship meetings, so keep that in mind when viewing. As the poor (ani) of the flock we keep it simple.