Abib of God Elohim
Bible Studies & Articles
Calendar Related
shavuot or Pentecost? (May 18, 2024)
The Bride and the Queen of Heaven (April 20, 2024)
The First of the Firstfruit and Nothing Less! (updated May 14, 2024)
The Error of Looking to Start the Biblical New Year When the Sun Transits Through Aries (October 5, 2024)
Why I do not use an Equinox (vernal or autumnal) in anything Biblical
Abib Calendar Criteria to Use When Not in the Land
The Ten Witnesses of the Month Abib
How to Determine Months and Years Using the Lunar Calendar
Questions about the Wavesheaf and New Moon from Israel
​The Meaning of Abib According to Yehovah
The Importance of the Wavesheaf to the Timing of the Calendar of God/Elohim
The Error of Cain and Jeroboam
What Calendar will be used during the Millennial Rule and Thereafter?
The Acceptable Year of the Lord
Potential New Moons from 2031 through 2040
Potential New Moons from 2021 through 2029
Potential New Moons from 2000 through 2020
Jerusalem Equiluxes 2010 - 2030
Reference: Barley Disease Handbook
Holy Days Related
Atonement: A Day of Separation. Only one Goat represents Christ/Messiah's activities on this day
Passover Symbols of the New Covenant
A Sabbath Day Interview about the Passover
The 7 Church's, 7 Days of Unleavened Bread, and 7 week's Journey to Pentecost:
Festivals of the Seventh Month
The F.O.T. and the Restoration of Physical Israel
Plan of Salvation
Fasting: Voluntary/Free Will and Commanded
Grace ***Recently Uploaded***
Faith is the Realization of things hoped for
What is the Body of Christ/Messiah and how does it function?
Two Leavened Loaves or Two Lambs; which represents the Bride of Christ on Pentecost?
The Unpardonable Sin and Eternal Judgement
The Two Covenants and the First Resurrection updated 7/30/2017
Abib, Wavesheaf, Bride and the Plan of Salvation
The Bride of Christ vs The Pride of Life
The 9th Commandment Does Not Say: Thou Shall Not Lie!
The Oneness of the Godhead/Elohim and its Purpose for the Plan of Salvation for Man New December 2017
The one-god being Doctrine is a perverted and Different gospel about Christ
Who is God and did Jesus Christ Preexist?
Church Related Studies
Can we be cowards in the eyes of God
Reconciliation and Restoration: An Army of One
Will the Real Jesus Christ Please Step Forward
The Reason for Marriage from the Beginning
The Mixed Multitude and The Tares
Misc. Articles
Capitalism (Good) Vs Socialism (Evil)
Is the World Karaite Movement organization and its founder a Blessing or Cursing?
All of these booklets are much easier to download than in the past. We have updated the English and Hebrew Names versions. We will update the Spanish Version after we return from our trip to Israel.
How to Determine the State of "Aviv" in the Barley Crop, Which Grows in Israel-English Version (updated) 2016
How to Determine the State of "Aviv" in the Barley Crop, Which Grows in Israel - Hebrew Names Version (updated) 2016
How to Determine the State of "Aviv" in the Barley Crop, Which Grows in Israel Spanish Version