Abib of God Elohim
2018 Feast of Tabernacles
Abib Fellowship will be having our 2018 Feast of Tabernacles in Fort Collins, CO
For the Feast of Tabernacles we'll be at: Northside Atzlan Community Center, 112 Willow St, Fort Collins, CO 80524 (map)
For the Last Great Day we'll be at: Fort Collins Senior Center: 1200 Raintree Drive Fort Collins, CO 80526 (map)
Dates & Times:
Tue, Sep 25th - 9am to 2pm Mountain Time. Although we are not observing the first day of the Feast until Wed, we are still meeting, so join us for an early start!
Wed, Sep 26th through Sat, Sep 29th - 9am to 2pm Mountain Time
Sun, Sep 30th - no meeting planned, but possibly a group outing elsewhere (TBD)
Mon, Oct 1st and Tue Oct 2nd - 9am to 2pm Mountain Time
Wed, Oct 3rd - 9am to 2pm (at the Fort Collins Senior Center) **NOTE: Message will start at 9:30
Format (approximately):
9-10am - social hour
10am-11:30pm - Service/Bible Study **NOTE: Wed, Oct 3rd we will start at 9:30am
11:30-12:30 pm - pot luck, bring something you like (we'll supply the utensils, plates, bowls, napkins & cups but bring necessary serving utensils)
12:30-1:45 pm - fellowship, interactive bible studies, etc.
2 PM clean-up and hall to be vacated
We have secured the lounge area as well as an overflow room for any kids activities during services or for any special needs.
Zoom Details:
​Starting at 9:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/853163860
Or iPhone one-tap: US: +16468769923,,853163860# or +16699006833,,853163860#
Or Telephone: US: +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 853 163 860
International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/jH1PA7vL
For first time Zoom users, we recommend you join the meeting a little early because you will be prompted to download a browser extension the first time you join. If you have trouble after downloading the extension, log completely out and then log back in again.
Accommodations: Housing should be arranged individually. There are many types of accommodations available including hotels, rental homes and camping opportunities. Here is a list of five hotels in the area that offer full kitchens in each room:
Homewood Suites Fort Collins, 1521 Oakridge Dr, 970-225-2400
Residence Inn Fort Collins, 1127 Oakridge Dr, 970-223-5700
Cambria Hotel & Suites Ft Collins, 2921 E. Harmony Rd, 970-267-9000
Candlewood Suites Fort Collins, 314 Pavillion Ln, 970-223-0200
Home2 Suites, 4715 S Timberline Rd, 970-223-9995