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For reports prior to Abib 1 click on the button above.  For reports Abib 1 through the seventh month see below.

September 15, 2021


Good morning Brethren,


We hope your rejoicing in the annual rehearsals of this 7th month in the Biblical Calendar are full of the blessings of being in sustained communication with our Creators.


Here is a post from our friends at the Galai Winery proclaiming the 2021 harvest and bottling season is over. Right on time as it should be, as it is in harmony with the appointed times of this 7th month.


Our peace we give to you!

























Galai Seventh Month Celebration
Sabbath September 11, 2021


Good Morning and Happy Sabbath to All.


We thought many of you would find this discussion by the Israel Meteorologic Service of interest. It is talking about some cycles they are attempting to establish during a shmita year. That is the 7th year of release which started this past week (September 7) for those who follow the tenants of Judaism.


Patterns are wonderful things to explore. What they are talking about here is a little sketchy but all the same a possibility. Time will tell. Will there be more snow events this year as they suggest? In the years of late snows we experience intercalated years in the Abib Calendar Cycle.


It will also be interesting to see when the winter rain cycle sets up and continues. Remember a small rain here and there in September does not mean the cycle has started for the year.


Keep safe and have a wonderful 7th month of rejoicing before the Creators.



































Wednesday September 8, 2021


Hi Folks and happy feast of Trumpets. First picture is from Tel Aviv and the second is from the roof of the Inbal Hotel in Jerusalem.


As we had mentioned earlier it is difficult not to be able to see a new crescent over 150. The only exception is cloud cover or a sand storm. Humidity was at 55% which is real good for sighting with the naked eye. Winds were from the NW.
































Here is a screen shot of the new moon from my computer of the webcam at the Inbal hotel. If you'd like to go see the webcam yourself, here is the website address:   






























Telaviv New Moon 8 Sep 2021
Trumpets New Moon 8 Sep 2021.png
Jerusalem New Moon 8 Sep 2021
Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Hi Folks,

Here is just one of the many news outlets noting the start to the bird migrations to Africa. Once again right on schedule for the early birds passing through the Land.


The early Pelicans started about 8 days ago and are picking up in numbers. The white storks are also building in numbers as the article here acknowledges.


The heavy part of the flights south will kick in around Trumpets and tapper off after the F.O.T.


You may ask why do we still follow such things later in the year and not just for the start of the year and the Month of Abib? The answer is both simple and humble.


The patterns in creation are placed there as witnesses for and to us. Being human, we can certainly make an error in judgment with any one of them. With watching the timing of all the other annual patterns in an Abib Yearly Cycle, both agricultural and in the bird and animal kingdoms we can assure ourselves of the accuracy of the original decision, or; the need to make a course correction.


So far this cycle everything is exactly where it is supposed to be.


All the bird sites are alive with reports so please do not neglect to stop in on them so you can see the patterns for yourself.  Click on the image to read the article from























Stork Migration Aug 31, 2021
Friday, September 3, 2021


Happy Preparation Day to you All.


For those of you following along on the numerous websites for the wineries you are seeing that the majority of the cutting in the vineyards is coming to an end for the older varieties of grapes. Most of the wineries are into the pressing/crushing, and bottling phase in the process.


Please remember the harvest cycles in the Land are there to instruct us in the timing the Elohim have in store for us each and every year so we can meet with them on Their annual times of rehearsal for those realities to come. Wonderful times of rejoicing even on Atonement when we understand the depth of what takes place on each of them.


The summer fruits in the Land are wrapping up for this year, at least those which are not overly artificially sustained.


Here in western NY our summer growing and harvesting is also winding down. We are still busy with processing peaches from our trees but that will end within the next week. Same with our apples, only one tree full left. We have attached a few pictures for those of you who like to get their hands full of dirt and enjoy the fruits of their labors. One big chest freezer is full of blueberries and peaches from our bushes and trees. As the picking of the peaches wraps up they get a little smaller but are still full of lots of goodness from our Creators.

For those of you who look to the Jerusalem area for your crescent sightings, next Wednesday evening looks about as good as it gets this time of year if we are to believe the weather prophets. Clear skies, low humidity and winds from the NW. We will see if that holds up. If it does, the crescent will appear above the haze line early in the process.


We hope you are all being diligent in keeping your health up and especially ingesting clean vitamin D. Thank you all for loving our Father and our Savior



































peach harvest Aug 2021
August 16, 2021


With there being no reliable witnesses to the new moon crescent this past August 9th after sunset in the area of Jerusalem we will once again, as is the normal pattern, be looking to see if it appears after sunset on September 8th to start the 7th Biblical month. That will be the end of the 29th day of this current cycle for those of us using the region of Jerusalem for such things related to the Temple. It has a potential score of 184 visibility that evening, so even if there is a thick layer of haze over the Mediterranean Sea where the sun sets and the moon appears, it’s altitude should be sufficiently above it for a sighting.


We will follow up with a posting to that effect as we do with the crescent of the first and seventh months. If you would like to practice how to determine whether a first crescent will actually be visibly from Jerusalem make sure you check the humidity and wind direction late in the afternoon there. Combine that with the algorithm data for sighting that day (reference attached file) and a visible check of the sky for cloud cover from one of the live webcams looking out over the land to the sea and you will find a pattern of visibility develop when you are not in the Land.


Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Hi Folks,

The harvest is going strong and the laborers are getting weary in some locations. Our friends at the Galai Winery in the Negev are no exception. This is the Biblical month (6th) of the grape harvest.

We hope you are all having fun putting all the harvests together within the yearly Abib Calendar agricultural cycle.

They will never leave nor forsake us with all the signs on our walk to the Kingdom. It is a promise from Father and Son.


































Galai Grapes Aug 18, 2021
Sabbath, August 14, 2021


Good morning and happy Sabbath to you all.


We hope you are keeping well during these times of grief and sorrow for so many across the face of the earth. As Linda has often told our children over the years someone had to be here at the end to witness to the events of this generation. So here we are folks, making our way through all the prophesied times of deceit and delusions placed in our path. Their intensity is growing exponentially and we are instructed to be spiritually alert throughout it all.


The times of good being cast as evil, and evil as good are heavily upon us.


But for now, we will be talking about grapes in the Land. They are the 3rd biggest harvest of ancient times in perspective of sequence in the Abib Calendar cycle. They also are used metaphorically in the harvest timeline in prophecy throughout the scriptures from Isaiah right up through Revelation.


We start with the barley harvest, then the wheat harvest, and then the grape harvest. All have their timing in the overall Biblical Calendar of the Elohim. If you are keeping a calendar that has one or more of them out of sequence you may want to take a harder look at it. But we all must follow our own heart on such things, but do not forget the Biblical patterns and the science created by the Elohim in it all.


We have entered the 6th month, at least for those of us who follow the Abib Calendar cycle. This is the month of vintage in the vineyards. It’s the same every single year if one starts the Biblical year correctly. It is designed to carry on up to shortly before the appointed time of Atonement for all the practical and merciful reasons our Creator has designed into the yearly festival cycle.


Several are:


Atonement was the start of the Jubilee and the return of persons to their rightful possessions of land, etc. We could address some of those nuances but you probably already understand them thus the need to have that harvest completed.


The second is that it would take a 4-day journey from the outer bounds of the Land to travel to the commanded festival site at Jerusalem. That one should be self-explanatory as to the interests of those who were keeping vineyards for a living.


As a side note: someone asked about the olive harvest and suggested it would be number three. A good observation with the importance of the olive in its uses, but it is not. Olives are or were in the ancient times harvest prior to and after the Feast of Tabernacles. The easy and cooperative ones prior to the festival, but the stubborn ones after, as they were beaten from the upper branches with long sticks. Put that into spiritual realities and it is just amazing.


We have mentioned and talked about the emergence of the “sour grape” signifying the start of the month of Abib for many years now. It is just one of the 10 Biblical witnesses to that great even each year. We follow the maturing process throughout its cycle each year as well. We do not follow the designer grapes which are recent arrivals to the Land. We endeavor to use vineyards which have older vines growing in them. That does not mean indigenous to the land but well-established older varieties which have been established for many years. The newer varieties have been manipulated to produce specific characteristics and are disqualified from our process of evaluating the correct timing in the Abib Calendar cycle.


However, there are varieties of grapes grown in Israel which predate modern times and can be traced back many, many centuries. Of late there has been a great amount of interest in these ancient varieties from the point of nostalgia, but also from the revelations that they produce some very good wines.


Some of the wineries which grow one or more of them are as follows for you to look into. Most have newsletters periodically which inform the readers of the stage of readiness the vineyards are in.


Cremisan Wine Estate

Gvaot Winery

Recanati Winery

1848 Winery

Ariel Winery

Barkan-Segal Winery

Teperberg Winery

Taybeh Winery

Philokalia Winery


And the list can go on. Most are located in the Judean Hills, Samarian Hills, Galilee, and Jezreel Valley regions. A lot of these species are grown in the area around Hebron. Thousands of acres of vineyards are located there.


So, if you want to do a fascinating and timely study use this time of vintage of the grape to search the scriptures to see all the events which take place at its completion and just prior to its completion in some cases.

We hope this can be of assistance to you.


Keep safe in our Lord and Savior

Wednesday, August 11, 2021


Good Morning Folks.


We have now entered the 6th Biblical month in the Land. It is the month of the grape harvest. This was the biggest event of the harvest cycles in Israel outside of the barley and wheat harvests.


If all goes as planned we will be posting a piece on the ancient species which are still grown in the Land and which accurately witness to us what time of year we are in. For the ancient vineyard owner it was a mad dash from start to finish. The grapes had to have enough sugars produced before they were harvested. Dry hot days and cool dry nights send the ancient varieties of grapes into stepped up sugar production.


The weather conditions are perfect for this in all the early maturing areas of the country. Imagine that, right on time. All the efforts associated with this harvest and storing had to be completed prior to the commanded pilgrimage festivals which occur the following month. The next 3-4 weeks will be one of cutting and pressing the fruit of the vine as it has been in the Land since grape cultivating started there.


Attached you will see an article from the IMS which speaks volumes to us. The actual weather event being spoken of by them is just what the growers in the Coastal Plain and Negev were waiting for.


We hope your anticipation is building for the festivals of the 7th Biblical Month which are only 30 days away at most now.

Sunday, August 8, 2021


Good Morning folks,


We hope you are all doing well in these times of grief/sorrow afflicting so many. The folks at Tzora Vineyards are reminding us what time it is in the harvest cycles. They are starting to selectively harvest a variety of the white grapes which they grow. What we call designer grapes. These are not actually one of the ancient varieties of the Land but all the same indicate how they have been affected by this years Abib Calendar growing cycle. I think there will be 3 pictures in this link for you to look at this location in the Judean Hills.


We have not forgotten about the post on grapes in the Land as to their relevance with the calendar and their metaphorical use in the timing of prophecies and such.


There are ancient varieties grown in Israel today: both dark and white grapes. Once we get things settled down here in our lives with this busy summer, I will put together some of the vineyards that still grow and harvest many of the ancient varieties so you can use them in watching their timing to maturity and thus to harvesting them.


As always, keep safe in our Lord and Savior and we hope Fathers favor and acceptance is growing in your lives as we close in on the Feast of Trumpets in September.

Tzora Vineyards - 3 Aug 2021
Happy Sabbath July 17, 2021


Hi Folks,


Some of you want to see more about grapes witnessing to the Abib Calendar cycle. So here is a picture from yesterday from the folks at the Tzora Vineyards in the Judean Hills.


This red variety is in what is called the veraison stage of growth. That is a term which describes the grape adding color to its casing. That is a defining time in the growth cycle for as the color becomes more prominent the grape it starts to shed acid and increase sugars. This is also a time just before it sheds some of its water content.


We can conclude as a general point of reference we have reached the half way mark to complete maturity when we see this. Rains can slow that part of the cycle down for many varieties but some have been bred to disregard excess moisture. Israel is into its dry season so there is not much chance of that happening there this year.


That brings up a very interesting aspect of the Abib Calendar cycle. The cycle will not be broke regardless of what is happening outside of the Promised Land. That is a promise made to us by the Elohim.


Many of you have been experiencing a heavy rain cycle where you live. That is normal for we are coming out of the deepest solar minima recorded in a very long time. The sun has once again started, actually leaped, into the growing solar maxima part of the 11 year sun cycle.


Europe has been in the news of late as to the heavy and sustained rain falling there. If you were to check back in the timing of the solar cycle you would see similar events around the world in it occurring in those years.


Maybe we will do a segment on grapes in the future for they are mentioned prominently in metaphor at the end of the age.


Keep safe in the Lord!

Tzora Vineyards - 16 Jul 2021
July 10, 2021


Happy Sabbath Folks!


We hope things are well with you all and that you are growing in the favor and acceptance of our Elohim, which is not unlike the pattern found in the grape as to its maturing cycle.


The vineyards are all going through their maturing processes as our friends at the Galai winery are so eloquently recording. No one can force the grapes to mature earlier than they are patterned to do so.


If you follow when that time in the cycle comes, when they can be used for the purpose of their being, you may get a surprise as to its timing during the Abib Calendar yearly cycle. Our friends at Galai will let you know when it is this Biblical year, if you follow along with them in the months ahead.


Patterns are everything when it comes to learning truths

Galai Grapes - 28 Jun 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021


Good Morning Folks,


We hope your walk to Pentecost is working well for you. For those of you who kept it last weekend we also hope it was a good learning time about yourself and your relationship with our Husband Christ/Messiah and with Father.


This will be the last post for this years grain cycle and of that of the 10 witnesses in creation which assure us when winter changes to summer in the Promised Land. As many of you know we also have them on the website for the vast majority of brethren we have contact with do not and will not use facebook in any fashion.


Bridget will condense all the reports into a file so they can be accessed when you may need to do so.


This has been a banner year to establish a complete record of the testimony of all the witnesses in the Land. They are not always this easy, but the same diligence is required in searching for them in every year.


Please keep the methods of doing so fresh in your minds for one never knows if we will have opportunity to post them in the years ahead. Always prepare for other eventualities just like you are doing in this chaos of covid insanity engulfing the world.


We will close out with a picture from Evgeny. It is of the Northern Jordan Valley and the harvesting of some of the remaining wheat. A beautiful picture of a tranquil location. It should be apparent from all the posts that wheat is no longer tied to Pentecost as a first fruit in this day and age. The Biblical truth is still in tack, but unfortunately, the agricultural practices have negated the application of it.


There are still some holdout locations to be harvested around the country due to the fact modern wheat can stand for many, many weeks in the field past its readiness to harvest.


Times are changing but through it all we have the anchor of fellowship of the Sabbath and the Abib Calendar. We come from many differing backgrounds but never forget the other end time watershed doctrine of our time: "they will know them by the love they have for one another."


We hope you have a good balance to the rest of the year and to the festivals of the 7th month which seem far away but no doubt will be upon us before we know it.


Keep safe in our Lord and Savior.

Brian, Bridget, Brenda and Linda

Northern Jordan Valley - Seventh week 20
Sabbath, May 15, 2021


Happy Sabbath and end of the 6th week of the count. Here to the right is a series of photos from the Golan Heights area up in northern Israel. Not the greatest close-up photos, but it does demonstrate the general condition of the area. It is drying out even in the north.


Next we have a field being harvested in Mishmar Ha'Emeq and two photos from the Golan Heights area. All show off the general conditions of dryness, just as we expected to see as we enter the last week of the count.

Mishmar Ha Emeq, 14 May 2021.png
golan heights, 11 May 2021.png
Golan, 10 may 2021.png
May 12, 2021


Hi Folks,


Here is a very good pictorial (time lapse so to speak) from Evgeny of the Northern Jordan Valley from March 17 until today of the same location.


Please take note of the change in color of the landscape as the pictures move through the growth cycle this year. Just beautiful and very descriptive as to the timing of the Month of Abib and the start of the new year.


What a gifted photographer he is to think in the terms of capturing the season as he has here.

Sunday, May 9, 2021


Here Fido! Come Fido! There's still a little bit of wild barley up in the North! Hurry though, it'll be aviv in a week or so just in time for the Feast of Weeks and Pentecost. Thanks to Jonathan Breido on Instagram for the photo.

wild barley in north, 9 May 2021.png
Sabbath, May 8, 2021


Here are a few more great photos we found during this 5th week of our count to the Feast of Weeks...Ein Hashofet, Nahalal and Daliyya. The fields being harvested at this time in the count are almost exclusively wheat fields planted last January/February. We were lucky enough to find the photo from Daliyya, which is 2 and 6 row barley and probably one of the last standing domestic fields in Israel.


Hope your week was good and the 6th week is even better!

Ein Hashofet, 8 May 2021.png
Nahalal, 6 May 2021.png
Daliyya, 8 May 2021.png

Here is another golden field in Ramot Menashe that is sporting a bit of bowing wild barley in the upper right.

Some golden fields left in Daliyya...

Sabbath, May 8, 2021


Hi Folks and Happy Sabbath to all.


Here is a series of pictures from Vita tours from this morning of what the Golan looks like as to all the wild barley and oats and goat grass. No explanation needs to be given for it speaks loudly of the timing even in the far North.


We are familiar with this location. It gives some very nice views of the Sea of Galilee region as to several others in the area.


The South is being subjected to the menace of the incendiary balloons coming over from Gaza. Lots of pictures of the fires along the border fields and forests. If you were not aware of it, the terrorists do not send them over until things are very dry so they can get maximum effect for their evil workings.

May the Kingdom come sooner rather than later.


I was going to send out this link from the Galai Vineyards earlier in the week but it has been a little busy. This is where we are in the Northern Negev at this time. The anticipation of the growth of the "summer fruits" harvest is building. In this case the vines are moving rapidly through their growth cycles.


With the amount of irrigation taking place in Israel here at the end of the age there is a good rotation of other summer fruits preparing for the upcoming harvest during the next 3 months.


Here is the post from Galai Vineyards Facebook page:


′ Local heroine "...

Every year, during the time of the Levlov in the vineyard, we have a competition between all the fires (the green branches that grow every year and on which the clusters of grape grow) - who will be the first to reach the iron wires that support the fires.

The vine that is a climbing bush, has thin ′′ arms ′′ that are growing called cannocanas, and they know how to get caught and wrap around anything to hold it and support the vine so that it keeps climbing or moving to any side.

This year, the final of the beloved ′′ Mary-Lou ′′ from the graceful Merlot team reached the final and was for the first time she pulled the thread...

We'll all hear Mary-Lololololol...


Galia vine race, 6 May21.png
Galai Vineyards 6 May21.png
Wednesday, May 5, 2021


We hope things are well with you all and that you are being blessed in your walk to Pentecost.


Here is the IMS summary for the month of April. What a perfect mix to illustrate what an easy year it has been to witness the transition from winter to summer and thus the timing of the annual appointed times of meeting.


A really nice pattern this year to put into the books so to speak.

Sunday, May 2, 2021


Bountiful harvest in the making...

Sabbath, May 1, 2021


There are so many great pictures of the harvest out there right now from the last week that we could not resist including a number of them here for you to help illustrate that the whole land is now past the stage of the first of the first fruits. We have two pictures for you from the very far north (the Golan Heights and Agamon Hula), three from Jezreel Valley, and two from the Ramot Menashe area. Happy Sabbath everyone!

Agamon Hula, 30 Apr.jpg

Agamon Hula

Jezreel Valley, 30 Apr 2021.jpg

Jezreel Valley

Golan, 30 Apr 2021.jpg

Golan Heights

Daliyya, 30 Apr.jpg

Daliyya, Hazafon

Jezreel Valley #2, 30 Apr 2021.jpg

Jezreel Valley (top and bottom)

Jezreel Valley #3, 30 Apr 2021.jpg
Gal'Ed 30 Apr 2021.jpg

Gal 'Ed, Hazafon. Note the waning moon standing in as a visible witness as well!

Thursday, April 29, 2021


Good Morning Brethren,


This morning we continue with our overwhelming evidence of the time of the year we are in, from the South. This is a location familiar to many long time inspection folks: both Christian and those of Judaism.


The hill you see being surrounded by wheat, which is many weeks past the state of aviv, is called a Tel in case you have heard that term and did not understand what it looked like. Notice all the goat grass is long since dropping their seeds as it should be. In fact they are all stubble.


I personally am being accused of "piling it on" for whatever that means. Actually, that brings up the thought of: "if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen" and be happy with your different determination as to a different start of the year.


There are folks who are members of this Page who detest what we are doing. That is okay, we still love you more than you will ever know in this current existence.


I explain to some of them we are not here doing what we are doing to rain on their parade. Stop watching and reading if it infuriates you. That can lead to sin.


We are following the command given to us in 1 Peter 3:15 and thus giving a thorough defense of the hope which is in us to all who ask in fear and trembling. Please read the scriptures just prior to that and following it, to get a true description of that context.


We are involved in a very extensive Calendar Court this year with so many different divergent philosophies being put forth by others. We are giving witness in real time of that Calendar of God/Elohim so there is absolutely no excuse for not recognizing where we are in the Biblical Year. Many of you guys have thanked us for continuing the extent and depth of the witness being given long after we normally do.


You guys are the only reason we are doing so. It became very clear that 99 percent of you have never had the opportunity to be in the Land during the changing of the year from winter to summer. You are now getting the ability to understand all that goes into the witnesses in creation which are associate with the change and are armed with a very sharp sword that can cut through any challenge thrust at you.


This extended follow up to the first month of the year into the second one is not piling it on, but giving an MBA course in what the process started many weeks ago looks like as it plays itself out during the count/walk to Pentecost.


We hope some of you have internalized the patterns in it. They are our life line through all the confusion.

goat grass in south, 29 Apr.png

My raised beds are all set to plant and the peaches and apples are sprayed, so time for another photo.


Evgeny took another exceptional picture which captures the time of the season we are in from the North. This is the Jordan Valley just below the Sea of Galilee.


The domestic is already harvested and bailed for use as straw. Bet the Israelites in Egypt wished they had that at their disposal. Notice the edges of the field here have wild barley and oats which have dropped their seeds long ago.


Now look to the hillsides. What you see is goat grass way past its life cycle completion as is to be expected this distance into the count to Pentecost from this location.


I think the girls may have some more pictures this weekend to post? No pressure eh!

jordan valley, 29 Apr.png
Wednesday April 28, 2021


Hi again Folks,


You should be familiar with Hananya if you have been following the months of evidence and testimony appearing on this Page as to the timing of the turn of the year.


He is a reservist in the Israeli Military and is doing his designated training. Please notice this is an entirely different area of the South you saw early on this page.


What is the status of the non irrigated vegetation surrounding him? Brown and completely spent. That is what the South looks like at this time in the count to Pentecost each and every year. For the record, this was all flourishing goat grass over a month ago.











Me again,


Had to post this one from Lee Cohen Photography. The excitement from this child is captured in the midst of the unharvested wheat field. That no doubt is how Father wants to see us.


This is from the north/central Negev. Near Ruhama.

We hope your count and walk to Pentecost is in the sincerity and truth of a young child's outlook.

child in wheat 28 Apr.png
Wednesday April 28, 2021


Good Morning Folks,


We are hoping things are well with you all. Also hoping you have been following the dramatic turn down of the grain harvest in Southern and Central Israel on your own.


Here are a series of pictures from the south today from one of our favorite sources. Barley has all been harvested and wheat is closing in on the end of the fields rapidly.


Its a busy day today but maybe a little later we can post some other special pictures clearly showing we are well past the First of the Firstfruit timing. The entire non irrigated south has turned to its "brown" look depicting the season we are in and have been.

Sabbath, April 24, 2021


Happy Sabbath and 21st day of the count! I see Brian shared some finds from Ramot Menashe already, and I thought I'd share a few as well. Two from the same area in Ramot Menashe, one from Mishmar Ha Emeq and one from the foothills of Jerusalem. Enjoy...hope your 3rd week was good and the 4th is even better...

Ramot Menashe harvest posted on Apr 17th

Ramot Menashe Silage Harvest (no barley)

Domestic barley and wheat in Ramot Menashe posted on Apr 17th.

Ramot Menashe Domestic Barley and Wheat

Mishmar Ha Emeq posted today, Apr 24th.

Mishmar Ha Emeq, Apr 24 .png

Foothills of Jerusalem posted Apr 18th.

foothils outside Jerusalem, Apr 18.png
Sabbath, April 24, 2021


Hi Folks and Happy Sabbath!


The 3rd week of the harvest is going well. Early fields in the north are being cut for silage and grain and in the South the number of unharvested fields is shrinking very quickly.


Here are two pictures from Ramot Menashe this week. It is just south of the Jezreel Valley near the coast. The first is from Tuesday and the second showing the one side of the same road location from today. Once again, zoom in to see if you can actually see any heads.


Obviously it has been harvested for its grain.


How are we all doing on our count to Pentecost? Hopefully better than me, glad there are still 4 weeks left to get it right in deflecting all the sins that approach regardless of the disguise.

Ramot Menashe, 24 Apr.png
Ramot Menashe #2, 24 Apr.png
Sunday, April 18, 2021 (second Month of the Biblical Year)


RE: Calendar Court decision


Thanks to Yoram for stopping in on the morning events in the Negev.


The White Storks had been hearing rumors that the new year just started with the last new moon this past week. They decided to investigate themselves for they were certain that was the beginning of the second month of the new year.

In the first picture you can see the 2 witness scout mission underway. Their flyover of the grain was so compelling that they decided to call a summary Calendar Court immediately.


As you can see in picture #2 they convened and had a quorum of senior participant to make a judgment. The verdict was unanimous, it was clearly the second month with the witness of the grain being many weeks past the aviv stage. Then a wise guy threw in the dryness and cracking of any ground which is not irrigated to put the icing on the cake.


That rogue witness is found in picture #3.


All is as it should be!

Calendar Court Storks 18 Apr.png
Storks 18 Apr.png
Dry ground 18 Apr.png
Sunday, April 18, 2021


Good Morning Folks,


You hear us talk about different weather systems influencing the growth stages of the barley crop in the Land from time to time. The most dramatic are the Sharav events ( from the east/southeast), but there is another we mention that develops down in Egypt and also has a very definite effect on the cycle, Hamsin (from the west/southwest).


For those of you who were part of the zoom meeting yesterday and participated in the discussion on numbers and their timing in the Plan you will get a kick out of what the IMS has to say in its instruction about these two (witnesses) meteorological events in the Land.


This is just one more part of the puzzle of the pattern and its follow up evidence of when the year changes from winter to summer in Israel.

Sabbath, April 17, 2021


Happy Sabbath and 14th day of the count to the Feast of Weeks/Pentecost! In this second week of the count, Brenda and I found several photos we'd like to share with you.


In this first photo, we have a domestic field in Daliyya showing the popular pattern we've seen over and over again this year...sister grains growing together. A perfect example of just how far over humble wild barley is willing to bow.

Humble barley in Daliyya, Hazafon, Apr 1

The second photo here is a nearby field to the first photo, just down the road in Gal'Ed witnessing to the same pattern of wild barley among its domestic sisters.

Gal'Ed, Hazafon Wild Barley w:sisters Ap

Grapes in Sde Eliyahu, which is 600 feet below sea level at the conjunction of the Jordan and Jezreel Valleys.

Grape vines in Sde Eliyahu Apr 16.png

Last, but not least, my favorite...progression of the figs! Looks like someone else is planning for the harvest too.

Figs, Apr 16.png
Friday, April 16, 2021


Happy Preparation Day to All,


Once again we hope your count is going well unto Pentecost/Feast of Weeks. The Land has clearly shown all it is past the days of the First of the Firstfruits harvesting of the barley fields and well into the general harvest.


As you know we have entered into the second month of the Biblical Year, (the transition month in the cycle has past) and right on schedule we are witnessing the summer heat blanketing the Land.


These are no longer sharav events of 2-3 days we have entered into. These are sustained stretches of intense heat and dry weather which are well known to the inhabitants of the Land.


Jerusalem is about to experience days in the 90F+/33C+ temperatures. That is very hot for the high altitudes in the Judean Mountains.


Ofakim will entertain temperatures above 103F/40C this upcoming week.


These very hot days as well as very dry days with sustained winds from the southeast will suck the moisture out of anything not being irrigated in the South. This is when the infamous "brown look" takes it over. You folks in Israel know exactly what I am talking about.


This will bring on the rapid growth escalation of the younger grain crops in the higher elevations of the North, like atop the Golan. Quite a few of those areas have already harvested the barley and grain fields for silage. The North hosts a lot of dairy operations and that is where you will see a lot of beef cattle grazing on the hillsides that are not too steep.

These are all important patterns and facts in following the start of the year in Israel. They repeat themselves every year in sequence. Patterns in creation will be with us to the very end regardless of what the global warming crowd tries to tell us. Satan is a very wise adversary by our standards, but not by the Elohim.


He is making every attempt to confuse the credibility of those patterns in the Land which depict the timelines in the Plan of Salvation. Quite brilliant in my understanding of things and quite extensive in his ability to deceive much of mankind.

Our simple answer to it all is our Saviors promise of: He will never leave nor forsake us. And no, equinox folks; that does not mean looking for a magic unseen moment in the sky 2000 miles south of Jerusalem. Good luck trying to explain that to our Savior when the time arrives.


Actually, I have another question for you equinox folks: where and how does that figure into the timeline of the Plan of Salvation? I am serious, I would like to hear your thoughts on it.

Thursday, April 15, 2021


Hi Folks,


I thought some of you vine dressers would appreciate this picture from the Tzora Vineyards in the Judean Hills. They already have netting in place on the early vines ready to extend up and over. Bugs and birds anxiously waiting for their sneak attack on the developing grapes.


Better luck next time with these owners being on top of their game.


When it comes to the cycles in nature/creation; which are all linked, we too must know the timing of things or we will suffer loss and maybe even be picked clean.


Happy count to Pentecost! What a wonderfully balanced year to have started an extensive lesson of such things in the Land. Thank you Father!


Here is another pattern: When such an occurrence takes place, it usually is upended the following year. Stay tuned. Keep watching and do not become complacent with the 1/2 cycle of intercalation currently in place since 2005.

Tzora Vineyards 15 Apr 2021.jpg
Tuesday, April 13, 2021


Good Morning Folks!


We hope your count to Pentecost is as peaceful as ours is. Keeping sin out for 7 days seems much easier than trying to do so for 7-weeks, don't you agree?


This morning we have our update on the witness of the grapes so you can identify how this process moves along during the 49 day count as well.


The first 2 pictures are from the Galai Winery located in the Negev. You are familiar with this location and producer if you have been following the posts this year. As you can see these vines are well past their witness stage for the start of the first month, the Month of Abib. Remember the date so you can compare this location for future years.


All you need to do is print out, or save the pictures from this vineyard with the corresponding dates. In future years you compare them to the same time of the Gregorian Calendar from this year. It just takes a few minutes to do so and then file them away.


The next 2 pictures are of the Tzora Vineyards up in the Judean Hills. We know this location well from staying near by in some years and taking our daily hikes through the hillsides there.


Notice how they too are past their early witness even being much higher in elevation. That does not happen in all years so keep that as a note with the pictures we have been providing from this location.


We have been watching some older vines in the Golan but nothing has popped there yet. Once again a higher elevation.

The growth cycle of most everything up there is always 2-5 weeks behind the South and Central. For you folks who like apples as much as we do, you will be thrilled to know that there are large tracts of ground hosting apple orchards there. There is even a very big apple harvest festival each year.


Many of the fig trees in the Central and South are in "full furl" with their leaves in the wind at this time. Once again, way past the necessary growth to proclaim their witness to the start of the year.


Happy count to the 50th Day rehearsal!

Galai Winery #1 13 Apr 2021.jpg
Galai Winery #2 13 Apr 2021.jpg
Tzora Vineyards #1 13 Apr 2021.jpg
Tzora Vineyards #2 13 Apr 2021.jpg
Sabbath, April 10, 2021


Hi folks,


We hope your first week of the count was fruitful and peaceful with satan kept far from your thoughts and actions.


Brenda and I have been watching the Internet for photos to serve as a witness to our continued 7-week harvest. What we've found is that the steady stream of pictures in the traditionally early areas of the south has slowed as we would expect since most of them have been harvested. So we started our search in the North and have found many domestic fields to be near ready for harvest. Some have achieved maturity but are being cut for sileage. Photo #1 from Mishmar Ha’Emeq illustrates this. Photo #2 is domestic 2 and 6 row barley; Photo #3 is domestic 2 and 6 row barley in front of a wheat field.  Both #2 and #3 are from Ramot Menashe in the north.


Have a great 2nd week of the count...

Mishmar Ha'Emeq 8 Apr.png
Barley in Ramot Menashe Apr 9.png
Barley in foreground, Wheat in backgroun
Friday, April 9, 2021


Re: Correction Simon and Garfunkel, silence is not golden!


Good Morning and a happy Preparation Day to you all. And a happy day 6 of our count to Pentecost.


Fair warning to the faint of heart who do not like the sword of the spirit of truth pulled out and used, you may not want to read past this portion of the post. Be happy!


Lots of questions and confusion these past few days for some who feel betrayed with the new declaration from Devorah. It reminds us somewhat of 2016 with the Nehemia debacle, but with a more devastating effect to some. A true tragedy in the body for those who took a bad turn in the road following the wrong signs. Don’t fret, just get back on track and don’t be fooled again.


For those who don’t know what is actually going on, Devorah posted that in fact many fields have already dropped their seeds and that all should have started the Month of Abib back in March with the new moon when at that time indicating something completely different. I am actually happy she corrected an obvious error in judgment regardless of the circumstances. She has proven herself more righteous than those in the body who boldly continue with the error!

They have been given an obvious course correction, but they are not humble enough to accept it. Rather, they are attempting to justify their keeping a later and erroneous Month of Abib next lunar cycle based on her 3rd report and ignoring what she has stated in her 4th report.


Brethren, you can’t make this stuff up! It is the confusion spoken of at the end of the age in living colors.

In doing so, they have put Christ/Messiah to a public shame. If they do not know where that is found they can read about themselves in Hebrews 6:4-6.


As we have stated in recent posts: if you take Christ/Messiah out of the criteria for understanding the change of the year, you are opening yourself up to an eventual disaster. Satan uses “goat grass” as a substitute for the real thing we are to be looking for: healthy wild barley growing in good ground with her sister the domestic barley. When you use such a fake representation as goat grass for the real thing it will take you away from the true timing of the Elohim for the Month of Abib in most instances.


We just explained that once again in a recent post for Wavesheaf Day.


So, I, (not the abib crew) will answer some of the flood of questions being asked dealing with the confusion of this year coming from the Land. Some of you will not like what you are going to hear for one reason or another but we are to follow the Lamb wherever He went and goes.


That way the wrath of the lunatics and heretics can focus solely on me, and me alone. I have had to do this many times since 2005 in what we call: “the big betrayal” of that year. Please remember, history is the memory of a nation and a people, and that is why we have a historical record of all the years on our website. You old timers know exactly what I am referencing, but probably not all the details. There are some new comers to the Abib Calendar who are feeling betrayed once again, and it is to them I am speaking.


During the lead up to the Passover being kept in this month, there were quite a few people who were not sure of the footing they were on because of the uncertainty of Devorah's reports. Please understand, this is not a take down of Devorah, that is not necessary. The scriptures are very clear about such things. Don’t blame her for your error of postponing the year for another month. We are to seek out our own salvation with fear and trembling.


What is necessary on our part is to clearly define the rules of engagement with those who deny Christ/Messiah as we know Him and understand Him. We will get to that shortly.


The self-righteous are declaring nothing is lost for they can take a second Passover and they are counseling newcomers to follow their lead. What about that? Is there such a thing in our calling as a second Passover under the terms and conditions of the Second marriage Covenant?


Some of the folks contacting us during the time period just prior to Passover were thanking us for posting all the very clear and defining pictures in real time in the Land of aviv barley; both domestic and wild, as well as the wheat so they could make a real personal decision/judgment based on a lot of facts. These followers of Christ/Messiah said they had to get it right in spite of what others were saying because to them there is no second Passover in the Second Marriage Covenant. They all had a well-placed emphasis on getting it right. You only get one opportunity to do so under the terms and conditions of the Second Marriage Covenant each year.


My question to all of you is simple; are you aware of this vital truth? If not, let me explain it to you through the scriptures. This is a doctrine of Father and we are our brother’s keeper. Once again, this is to the newcomers to the Abib Calendar.

The only place we receive instruction on keeping a second Passover is found in Numbers 9. Please understand there is nothing in this instruction about a second 7-days of UB adjoining it.


So, why did Yehovah allow for an individual to actually keep a Passover sacrifice in the second month? Remember we are talking a sacrifice here which is speaking about a condition of mercy and forgiveness.


Simple answer is: He was having mercy on them for their sloppy behavior. It’s that simple. Look at the 2 criteria, and only 2, for being allowed to do so.


Numbers 9:10  Speak to the children of Israel, saying: if anyone of you or your posterity is unclean because of a dead body, or is far away on a journey, he may still keep Yehovah’s Passover. (In the second month)


Please read the whole account yourselves but there were only two specific “conditions/excuses” under the terms and conditions of the First Marriage Covenant; the Covenant where the qualifiers did not have the spirit of God/Elohim residing in them to assist them, except for some few exceptions compared to ours.


Do these conditions/excuses apply to us under the terms and conditions of the Second Marriage Covenant?

No, they do not.


Why, you may ask? Simple is the answer.


We have the spirit of the Elohim dwelling in us: both Father and that of Christ/Messiah. Regardless of where we are, we can keep the Passover of Yehovah for He is with us in all those journeys for He says He will never leave nor forsake us and that we are the temple of the holy spirit.


So there goes excuse #1.


So, what about excuse #2?


Simple, we participate in a foot washing as directed by Christ/Messiah prior to taking the Second Marriage Covenant Passover symbols. Thus, we are not defiled in anything as it is just a yearly extension of our baptism (washing) into Him. Cleaned completely just prior to taking the symbols of bread and wine.


Bye, bye #2.


So, for those of you who proclaim to be in the body of Christ/Messiah and scream out you can still take a Passover next month because of your sloppy behavior you are completely deluded of Biblical understanding and display little understanding of the severity of your sloppy actions. Nothing I can say will ever be able to turn you from the error of your way.


However, for those of you who have just had your religious world turned upside down in your ignorance or maybe even laziness, we have a Savior. But you will have to wait for another year to keep the Passover of Yehovah. You will have the opportunity to be washed clean of the sins you, and all of us for that matter, stumble into in our walk from one Passover to another.


But, by all means, start the count to Pentecost and all the rehearsals/festivals to follow in the proper sequence.

Now, how did you get into this trouble? Simple answer:


2 John 7-11  Because many deceivers have gone out into the world (in the falling away of that time unto ours), those not believing Jesus Christ/Messiah has come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an anti-christ. Watch yourselves that we may not lose the things we have worked out (the doctrine about Christ, who He is and who He was), that we may receive a full reward (Have you ever wondered what John meant by a fell reward? The answer is simple; many daughters have done well but you excel them all). Everyone transgressing and not abiding in the teaching of Christ/Messiah does not have God/Elohim! The one abiding in the teaching of Christ/Messiah, this one has the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bear this teaching, do not receive him into your house, and do not speak a greeting to him. For the one speaking a greeting, shares in his evil works.


1 John 4:1-3  Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God/Elohim. Because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the spirit of God/Elohim: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God/Elohim, and every spirit that does not confess that Jesus Christ/Messiah has not come in the flesh, is not of God/Elohim. And this is the spirit of anti-christ which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.


Dear Brethren, either you believe that or you don’t. It is a warning from the last living apostle to us who endured and fought an onslaught of anti-christ deceivers. We do not take any instruction, not one iota, from one who denies Christ/Messiah has been here and died for our sins. As the scriptures tell us, they do not have Father either.


1 John 2:22-23  Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ/Messiah! He is anti-christ, who (then) denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father either; he who acknowledges the Son has the Father also.


What is so difficult to believe about that? It is stated very simply and very concisely. One of the arrogant folks who claims to be in the Body of Christ/Messiah tells me this does not apply to Judaism for they are the people of God/Elohim. They can deny Jesus as having come as Christ/Messiah, but still have Father for He is their God/Elohim.


The ignorance of scripture let alone scriptural patterns is quite stunning in this day and age. So, if you too actually believe that in spite of what John just told us let’s hear it from our Savior Himself as John has recorded it in John.


John 8:52-59  Then the Jews (those following the tenants of Judaism at that time) said to Him, now we know that you have a demon! Abraham is dead, and the prophets: and you say, if anyone keeps My word, he shall never taste death. Are you greater than our father Abraham, who is dead? And the prophets are dead. Who do you make yourself out to be? (Now listen to who He tells them He was and who they never knew, the doctrine of Christ/Messiah)

Jesus answered, if I honor Myself, My honor is nothing. It is My Father who honors Me, of whom you say He is your God/Elohim. Yet you have not known Him (Greek #1097: in any way or capacity at all), but I know Him (#1492 always referencing past tense in the present speech). And if I say, I do not know Him, I shall be a liar like you; but I do know Him and keep His word.

Your father Abraham leaped for joy to see My day, and he saw and rejoiced (He just clearly told them He was there in Abraham’s day and they had a relationship together). Then the Jews said to Him, you are not yet 50 years old, and have you seen Abraham? (They knew exactly what He had just said to them).

Jesus said to them; most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM. (He just clearly told them He was their God/Elohim back then and they did not have any understanding of who the Being we know as Father was). Then they took up stones to throw at Him….


Why? Because He just told them who He was and they were going to kill Him for such a sacrilege. I am simple enough to believe these truths and warnings in scripture. That is the chief reason I separated from Nehemia in 2004. Outside of our beliefs we had a friendship, both Nehemia and Devorah as well as a few other Karaites.


So, this is the simple answer to this unfortunate episode in the lives of brethren in the body. Let the fools who do not accept the word of God/Elohim start jumping and hooting around their fire-less sacrifice. It’s a pattern we know all too well and don’t shy away from.


I hope I have answered some of the burning questions in one post here by summing them up to the important aspects of this debacle going on. There is a lot more which could be said but for the moment this should be all that is required. It’s up to you to make the decision to suck it up and move forward in the right timing. Do not look back, move forward. It has been a real trial and test for you, but do not throw in the towel.


We have made public to everyone the ability to discern for themselves when the year will switch from winter to summer in the Land. We have posted a record of it this year in great detail for your use. It has been over 20 years in the making.

Here at the end of the age we have some very clear decisions to make. Several decades ago, we took Isaiah very personally and to heart.


Isaiah 1:14  Your new moons and your appointed feasts My soul hates; They are a burden to Me. I am wearying of bearing with them.


That is when we knew He was talking directly to us in the timing of when we were keeping them. That is when we started the process of coming to the true understanding of the Abib Calendar, just as many of you have in your lives as well. We acknowledged our error, as well as His patience with us. It has been a wonderful eye-opening journey. It has also been a rocky road in some stretches with both deceivers and frauds laced throughout it putting up obstacles. Unfortunately, this year once again, some of you have stumbled into one of them. Many others have put bricks in that road as well, so you are not alone.


The simple answer to this year’s debacle is: “Follow the Lamb wherever He goes,” not one who denies Him, or for that matter, not one who says they are in the body but their works show something completely contrary to that.


The Abib Calendar is one of two watershed doctrines here at the end of the age. It is our opportunity from the Elohim to get it right in Their eyes. We hope you develop a very intimate relationship through it with our betrothed, the Son of God/Elohim and put in all your effort to make yourself ready for the wedding supper ahead.


Our prayers are with you as well as our encouragement to get in front of this difficult event in your walk with Christ/Messiah.


Our peace we give to you.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021


Hello everyone! In case you haven't seen it, the Israel Meteorological Service has posted their summary weather report for the past month of March. Of specific note is their recording of two Sharov events during the month. This confirms another weather pattern that we look for each year as to the correct timing for the month of Abib. The warm dry air from the south hastens the maturity of the grain and brings the barley to a state of aviv rather quickly. These events would have been extremely useful to ancient Israel as they looked to begin their new year and make their plans to travel to Jerusalem to meet with their creator for His appointed times.


Happy month of Abib! We pray for all of you that your count to Pentecost finds you in a continued state of spiritual unleaved-ness!

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Happy Wavesheaf Day!


Good Morning Dear Brethren,


Once again, we have made it to our day of acceptance as Gentiles, and Linda and I are so very thankful and overjoyed that our Savior was accepted on our behalf so us two Gentiles could be part of the 7 weeks harvest of the Second Marriage Covenant bride of Christ/Messiah.


The vast majority of the little “c” Christian world is celebrating Easter today, but go easy on them: "not for the favor and acceptance of Father calling us unto His Son, there go I.” In a future time, they too will have the understanding that we have. But for now, we are very pleased and thankful that Father saw something in us that He could use to confound the mighty, even when we were weak and base.


Thank you, Father!


So how did we once again get here at this timing in the yearly cycle?


We have evaluated all of the 10 Biblical witnesses in creation to make that decision. This is a year in which every single one of them has spoken loud and clear. Thus, it is a normal 12-month lunar year.


The lambs, the figs, the grapes, the white storks, the swifts, the swallows, the turtle doves, the flowers in the time of the oats, the heavy rains gone, and the crown of them all: the acceptable barley growing in good ground.


Our Savior was nurtured and matured in Fathers good ground. He was not nurtured in the poor soils of the traditions and commandments of men. Unfortunately, many do not understand that. Please understand this, the wild barley needs to grow in good soils to be representative of our Savior’s function in being the First of the Firstfruit wavesheaf offering. His selection and His threshing was not postponed or put off. For when he was spiritually mature (in the flesh) to reproduce Himself in others, it was not delayed to a later time in His life and neither is that what represents Him either. Thus, He fulfilled the commands of Exodus 22:29; 23:19, and Mark 4:29 on our behalf (which we had no right to) so that the commanded function of Deuteronomy 16:9 could commence.


Yes, the harvest of the Gentiles; for this is our time to be grafted into the function of the eternal help-mate to Him in Fathers household. It is not enough to just be called of Father; it is not enough to even be chosen by Christ/Messiah to go beyond the milk of the word; it is imperative that we remain faithful to the very end just as John instructs in Revelation 17:14 “… and those who are with Him are called, chosen, and faithful.”


There have been a lot of landmines and detours placed in front of the faithful this year to walk around. Even if we recognize them, we just can’t ignore them, for then we would not be our brother’s keeper letting the unsuspecting stumble into them. We know who the author of such is, so no need to dwell on that. But please notice what his common denominator in defiling the Abib Calendar is: Goat grass! Anemic wild barley growing in stony and rocky ground.


Since the great betrayal of 2005 we here at AbibofGod/Elohim have been sounding the warning about using this unacceptable fake replacement for representing the timing of our Saviors functions in the starting of the Abib Calendar and thus the Month of Abib.


You old timers know we have been warning folks that this unstable and anemic grass can be used to declare the start of the year at and during the 12th month. In some years even from the later part of the 11th month. It is as unacceptable a key denominator as the equinox is. Neither are to be used in our determination of the timing of the Abib Calendar and thus the decision of the Elohim to change from winter to summer.


The acceptable barley from good ground does not stand alone in its witness of any of this for the Elohim have given 9 more witnesses in creation to hold up its arms in declaring its time. With such a crowd of witnesses it can’t be denied even though many try.


So, we have followed the simple Biblical patterns placed in creation once again. Every single one of us can do this. Some better than others, and that is why we are a body consisting of all the working parts contributing to the health of the entire body. With that said, we are what we eat so we must guard against unclean and defiled things entering our system through ingesting them.


That is part of our function and has been for over 20 years in the body, trying to provide for you; clean, wholesome food, which can be used to help brethren grow in the understanding of the Abib Calendar criteria.


A “Typical March Calendar” is accompanying this post. It once again has proven to be accurate in accessing the witnesses timing to this purpose. It is embedded in the article we have at the website and is titled: Abib Criteria to use when not in the Land.


So, we hope you have a safe journey through these 7 weeks of harvest unto Pentecost the 50th day for the bride of Christ/Messiah. What a spiritual Jubilee that will be. We hope we can all be part of that reality to come.

Screen Shot 2021-04-03 at 7.10.29 PM.jpg

Parting thoughts for Wavesheaf Day:


We will leave this years reports with these 2 beautiful shots of humble grain from this morning in the Negev.


If anyone needs something followed up on let us know and we will do our best to assist you.


Thank you all for loving God/Elohim!

grain, negev, 4 April 2021.jpg
mixed multitude, negev, 4 Apr 2021.jpg
Sabbath, April 3, 2021


Good Morning Folks and a happy Sabbath to you all!


We thought you would like to see this photo from early this morning by Ariel Goz. As you can see, Mt Hermon is taking on her summer look with almost all of her winter crown of snow gone. It is helping the Sea of Galilee to rise to levels not seen in decades. Quite a blessing for the Land.


And then we have Mr. Turtle. There is always one in a crowd isn't there. He is complaining because he believed the bright sign that said this branch to the fresh figs, even though he could see them on another branch. He had been deceived willingly by the evil fig keeper of the north. The moral of the story is: if you want to take the right branch to the fresh figs trust your own eyes and don't trust the evil fig keeper of the north.


What a wonderful balanced year it has been in the growth cycle for so many newcomers to the Abib Calendar to learn about it. The South is in her First of the Firstfruits golden glory, the grapes and the figs are proclaiming their witness throughout the Land, the White Storks, Swallows, Collared Doves, and Swifts have done the same. The lambs were right where they needed to be and we are about to rehearse the incredible day of the Wavesheaf of the First of the Firstfruits tomorrow.


Yes, our Savior being accepted on our behalf so we could be included in the process of being part of the first harvest. It almost takes your breath away does it not!


Thank you Father and Thank you Christ/Messiah! May your Kingdom come so very soon, and may You complete the work you started in us!


fig and turtle, 3 Apr 2021.jpg
mt hermon, 3 Apr 2021.jpg

Hi Folks,

Here is a treat for those who are looking to Wavesheaf Day tomorrow. Look at the size of these very aviv heads of wild barley growing in the very aviv wheat in the South.


Once again: an affirmation of our faith and hope, in the simplicity and sincerity of our Savior. We follow Him wherever He goes.

aviv wild barley in south, 3 Apr
more aviv wild barley in south, 3 Apr 20

The White Storks and Pelicans could not wait for the Sabbath to end to once again head North. They have said: witness is over for this year, see you on the way through next year.

April 1, 2021


Hi Folks,


Today is mixed multitude day:


These being the 7 days of Unleavened Bread it is a good time to speak about the mixed multitude of many fields found in the Land. As you all know Native Israel was accompanied out of Egypt by a mixed multitude of peoples.


Over the years you have seen pictures we have posted during our inspection trips of fields with multiple types of grains growing in them. That is not an unusual thing in Israel.


The first picture below is a close up from yesterday of really swollen domestic red strain.


The second picture is of a field that has wheat and some barley. Notice both are ready to harvest.


The 3rd picture is from 2019 of a field we made famous that year. Actually we didn't, Devorah did, when she attempted to claim we do not know the difference between wheat and barley. Some of you will remember that, due to the fact we were showing a head of wheat from this mixed field to illustrate the timing between the species as we have done for many, many years.


The games people play for money and notoriety have no place in the Abib Calendar.


So notice in this one picture of the field we have a closeup of wheat, domestic 2 row barley, wild barley, oats, and tares (rye grass) all growing happily together. (Don't neglect to notice the little yellow flowers.) That is a common occurrence and it teaches us about the timing of each in the growth cycle as we have spoken about in many of our inspection reports.


When growing in good ground they like to keep pace with each other. There are exceptions to this but not many. Notice the Zadok scale age of each. It can be a real eye opener for you when looking at all of these in the future and knowing if one is at a specific stage you have a comparative timing for the others.


The next picture is also from this infamous field. These are heads of domestic barley several weeks later. Notice how they bow deeply. But also notice the wild barley in the same condition. Two sisters speaking the same thing.


Here is a link to some videos we took from 2019 which will give you a better understanding of the growth process in the Land:


I hope the link works for you are in for a treat. You will get to the infamous field in the second half of them. If you want to go right to it, you will see it by picture 4 displayed at its beginning. A feast gift to you!

domestic red strain barley, 1 Apr 2021.j
wheat and barley.jpg
2019, wheat, domestic 2-row barley, wild
2019 bowing barley, domestic and

Also, Gisela was in Jerusalem today and sent us this video (left) for the record. This is below the walls of the Old City. This is how the wild barley growing there in this location looks in every normal 12 month year.


Thus we are once again right on schedule.


For those folks who only look to Jerusalem for the barley you missed again. The vast majority of the barley in the South and Central grain growing regions of the country would be lost if waiting for another month.


Who can identify the different trees here as well?


Thanks Gisela! Happy Feast!

Finished building the stairs and am back to the computer. This one is a hoot! Here we have a giant thistle towering over the aviv wheat and look who is trying to steal the show.


Mr very aviv wild barley screaming out: pick me first, pick me first.


We have this funny one thanks to Adi Bildner.

thistle, wheat, wild barley, 1 Apr 2021.
Wednesday, March 31, 2021


Hi Folks,


Here we are just a few short days away from Wavesheaf Day. We hope your festival activities are full of joy, wonder and commitment.


Some folks are still looking for more evidence of wild barley being ready for a First of the Firstfruits offering. Apparently, they are being told we do not have any evidence of it in spite of what we have provided and that is why we are showing lots of pictures of domestic wheat.


We have given the reasons often why we are displaying the domestic grains. The reasoning is so very simple and clear, but to those of you who have been following this tutorial of such things this year we will spare you the refresher and get right to the pictorial rebuke to these muckity-mucks who would have dominion over another's faith. And by the way, are calling us liars. Imagine that!


Now to the pictures from today in the Land of Israel:


The first picture witnesses to the answer of why the domestic pictures and where is the beef, we mean, were is the wild barley.


This is a field of domestic grain. Zoom into the the closest pile of stalks which have been harvested. Examine them and what do you see; or better asked, what don't you see? You decide if it was cut for silage or harvested for grain.

Now look to the left of the screen and what do you see? Beautiful heads of grain ready to be harvested. That is what it looks like if not harvested. What type of grain is it? Look to the awns and the shape of the heads.


So where is the wild barley?


Look to the right side from just below center to the bottom. Zoom in if you can't see it clearly. What do you have here growing in the good ground amidst its sister the domestic?


Yes, very mature beautiful full heads of aviv wild barley that ducked under the harvester. Bowing has its benefits and wild barley does the most of that beautiful humble characteristic before its Creator. By the way, that is what all of you are doing who are keeping these wonderful days.


Let's call this witness #1 for today's jury.


Now picture #2 which is also witness # 2 for the jury.


The young lady is standing in a section of wild oats and wild barley growing adjacent to the domestic field but also trampled down from activity. This is obviously good ground.


Now zoom in on the picture to the right of the young lady. Here you find lots of wild barley which is very aviv just as it should be and yes, bowing over in submission to its Creator and no man.


So, based on this evidence, just from this morning mind you, in the Land, in the Ruhama area of the Negev what decision does the jury come to?


Once again, this is why we look for wild barley growing amongst or alongside the domestic grains, for that is where the good soils are.


The evidence today was provided by Meira Gera and Noakainan. There is a lot more, but 2 witnesses in one sitting is all that is required for one day in our opinion.


Happy Feast!

Ruhama harvested w:wild barley lower rig
Ruhama2 aviv barley, 31 Mar, 2021.jpg

Evgeny sent out a picture of the White Stork barley conference. They heard it is being said the goat grass is not ready, so seven dropped in for an inspection in the North.


Conclusion was: yes it is by unanimous decision even all the way up here in the Northern Jordan Valley.

Jordan Valley- barley and storks, 31 Mar
Tuesday, March 30, 2021


Happy Feast of Unleavened Bread to all!


We hope you are being shrouded in peace and Joy, and in all of that, do not forget one of the lessons of this 7-day festival is that satan is on our heals waiting for any of us to slip up just like Pharaoh was when Native Israel was camped by the sea and he appeared out of Pi Ha-Chiyroth (the mouth of the gorges). If we do our part and keep moving forward our Savior has our back covered just as He did back then.


It has been an exceptional walk to these appointed times of the rehearsals of the realities to come. We have been able to demonstrate beyond a shadow of a doubt, in picture upon picture, that the First of the Firstfruit of the wild barley, domestic barley, and wheat, have all matured at the same timing in this current growing and harvesting cycle in the Land of Promise. That is not always the case. Something very special has taken place. An irrefutable witness in this year of learning for many who did not know some of the intricacies of the Abib Calendar criteria.


It is all up to us to look up and see the fields for the obvious conclusion, as our Savior says in John 4:35

"Do you not say, there is yet still four months and then the harvest? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest."


Yes dear brethren, we have our part to do. Most of the aviv domestic barley fields have been cut for silage as we have been demonstrating and which is the case year in and year out in the Negev. A lot of the wheat has been subject to the same fate. But, not all, for some fields have just been started to be harvested for their grain to use as flour as the photographic evidence has been showing.


This is just one of those fields in the Negev as of this morning; so good decision making in seeking out your own salvation.


Happy Feast!

wheat for flour, 30 Mar 2021.jpg

Some are still curious about the goat grass locations in the South due to the confusing reports from Israel this year. Here is a picture of such a location from this morning. Oats long gone and barley (goat grass version) on these little Tel's long past aviv as well. Zoom in on the side hill locations of barley to see how far gone they are.


So, for you goat grass fans, this will be it from us. There are just not any more convincing pictures we can send to you if you are still in some kind of doubt after the series of photo's of GG we have provided this growth cycle.


The AbibofGod/Elohim crew.

goat grass, 30 Mar 2021.jpg

Still catching up with folks what with Passover now being over. Those who have been curious about the wild barley in the North have a good sample in this picture taken by Galina Lazerson in Gesher in the northern Jordan Valley 4 days ago.


It is a great picture displaying wild barley growing in good ground. If you zoom in you can see the consistency of all of these barley heads due to the fact they are growing in good ground and not stony/rocky ground. That is a characteristic trait associated with the wild barley.


Goat grass on the other hand is found in all different stages of growth in one location because of the poor soil conditions.


This barley is about 1-2 weeks out depending on the weather conditions. That will put it into the second week of the 7 weeks harvest time allotted for it in the scriptures.


You have seen what an intense short hot spell did in the South, it would have the same effects if it occurred in the North as well.

barley in northern Jordan valley, 26 Mar
Monday, March 29, 2021


Information for your Abib Calendar file:


Good Morning Folks,


We hope things are well and that you are being blessed in keeping the wonderful and commanded appointed times of this festival season.


Everyone who utilizes the Abib Calendar criteria for such things will have already kept the 14th Passover by this time. So now it is time to illustrate the timing of things in the Land once again.


The 2 pictures of wheat you will see in this post are from yesterday in the Negev. The first one shows what condition the harvested field was and is in at this time in the Month of Abib and the Month of March. The pods are all open and the grain is being exposed so it is time to harvest it for use as flour.


If you notice in the second picture, this field has in fact been combined. How will you be able to identify that from a field used for silage? It is simple:


The easiest way is to zoom in on the rows of straw. You will see no heads of grain in them, just the stalks after passing through the combine which will be gathered later into bails of straw.


The second way to differentiate between uses is to notice the width between the rows. It is much wider than the width between those you will see in the photos we have provided of when it was cut for silage.


For us, this is the first grain field we have seen that has been harvested for flour usage. If we were in the Land we would no doubt be able to locate others as well. That is important because the growth cycle of the wheat planted in the Land these days is almost identical to that of the domestic barley. Thus we know the conditions that had to be in place for that cycle to be completed at this time apply to both of them. Always refer to Zadoks scale and then add the known meteorological conditions we have been following this year and you have a pattern for future years displaying the same conditions. Its that simple brethren.


Do you remember last week we stated the temperatures were going to be over 100F/38C by Tuesday? If so you will remember how we stated, that would have an immediate and dramatic effect on the standing grain. That effect is drying it out rapidly. You can see the results all over the grain growing areas of the Negev when applied to the fields which were planted early in the cycle this year.


One may say well this is talking about domestic grains. Very true and very accurate. What have we made the effort to show you this year growing in both the domestic barley and wheat fields. Yes, wild barley. What have we seen is the growth cycle of that wild barley as it grows in the same ground as its domestic sister and cousin (barley and wheat)?

The wild has been at the same growth stage as the domestic grains. So when you see a field of these domestic grains being harvested what is the simple common sense conclusion as well as the agriculture and Biblical fact?


It is ready to be harvested as well. Here is a link to a video taken yesterday. There are a number of pictures prior to it so just move through the photos until you reach the video. You will see it is looking at a very large expanse of domestic grain turning to its golden crown color. But, please keep focus on the lower portion of the screen as it pans across the width of the area.


Here you will witness dead dropped oats and dried out wild barley in the advanced dough stages or as we call it well into the aviv maturity stages. If you stop the video and zoom in you can see a lot of very mature heads of WB.


Actually I hope this link works, for once again it is the girls who know how to do all this kind of posting stuff. Please use this info for your future determinations. That is what we have done for a very long time. It is the history of the years growing pattern as subject to the meteorological conditions. Simple patterns.

wheat, 28 Mar 20201.jpg
harvested wheat, 28 Mar 2021.jpg
Friday, March 26, 2021


Good Morning Folks and Happy Preparation Day!


Eyal has provided us another wonderful depiction of sheep grazing high on the hill in peace.


Ezekiel tells us in his address about the irresponsible shepherds who would steel our peace.


Ezekiel 34:14  I will feed them in good pasture, and their fold shall be on the high mountains of Israel. There they shall lie down in a good fold and feed on rich pasture on the mountains of Israel.


Do not let anyone steal your peace as we approach the Passover of Yehovah. For many will try to turn you off course and scatter you over the face of the earth to become food for all the wild beasts.


Keep safe in our Lord!

sheep grazing, 26 Mar 2021.jpg

The way is broad, but the road is narrow.


As we grow in favor, acceptance, and knowledge of our Lord and Savior the decisions should be coming clearer and easier.


The Negev today. What do you choose; the right or the left?


Happy Sabbath rest to all!


The AbibofGod/Elohim crew.

negev, 26 Mar 2021.jpg
Thursday, March 25, 2021


Good Morning Folks,


We hope your preparations for Passover and UB are going well.


For Linda and I, this is the 10th day of the Month of Abib. That is the day of separation for the lambs. May Father separate you from the pulls of the flesh and bring you into His household and hold you close to His bosom through our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ/Messiah

lambs, 25 mar 2021.jpg

Us again, (and if you have a question, please do not hesitate to ask it of us for some of you do. If it is an appropriate one we will answer it as best we can. Sometimes in a personal communication but at other times on the Facebook if it will assist others in some way)


Apparently, there is a new line (new to us because we have not heard it before) going around that there will be no significance to any of what we are doing now during the Millennium. The Month of Abib is supposedly without any significance to it.


We do not know how wide spread that deception is but it is causing some hesitance in some newcomers to fully accept what we are doing.


As the scriptures instruct us: be still and see the power of God/Elohim.


The Millennium is going to be the time of Ezekiel’s Temple in Jerusalem. Let’s listen to what the Word of God/Elohim has to say to these heretics.


Ezekiel 45:18-24 addresses the Month of Abib and what will be required of all to do during it.


Ezekiel 45:18-19  Thus says Adonay (not adoni) Yehovih. In the first month on the first day of the month, you shall take a young bull without blemish and cleanse the sanctuary. The priest shall take some of the blood of this sin offering and put it on the door posts of the Temple, on the four corners of the ledge of the altar, and on the gateposts of the gate of the inner court.


So, what did we just read here? There will be a first month, which will be ushered in by a brand-new sacrifice of great importance to make sure it is not taken lightly.


But there is lots more about this first day of the Month of Abib which will be new as well. The blood of this sin offering is put on the door posts of the Temple. Now think about that. The blood of a lamb was put on the doorposts at the onset of the very first Passover kept by Native Israel. What is this instructing us to understand about this first day of Abib?


Lots more as well; it is put on the four corners of the altar (yes, there will be sacrifices once again, but not on the horns here), and then on the gate posts of the gate to the inner court.


This has never happened before folks, so ask yourself why this all-inclusive sacrificial command will be conducted during the Millennium? The answer is very important to the realities of that time frame, that it is repeated once again on the 7th day of the Month of Abib.


Ezekiel 45:20  And so you shall do on the 7th day of this month for everyone who has sinned unintentionally or in ignorance. Thus, you shall make atonement for the Temple.


Lots can be said about this and why atonement in the first month before Passover, but let’s just stick to the activities which will be commanded during the Month of Abib.


Ezekiel 45:21-22  In the first Month in the 14th day of the Month, you shall observe the Passover (during the 14th day) and a feast of 7 days (in which) unleavened bread shall be eaten. And in that day (what day? The first one he mentions and not the 7 of UB) the prince shall prepare for himself and ALL the people of the Land, a bull for a sin offering. (so, what happened to the lamb? Fascinating answer in the pattern of Passover and the addition of a bull during Native Israel’s tenure in the Land. Maybe they are coming, let’s see).


Ezekiel 45:23  On the 7 days of the feast (of UB not Passover for he gave specific instructions for that day alone) he shall prepare a burnt offering to Yehovah, 7 bulls and 7 rams without blemish, daily for 7 days, and a kid of the goats daily for a sin offering. (Not only no lamb at Passover, but none of the 7 lambs per day that were required of Native Israel; Numbers 28:19-25. Do you know why?)


We could continue on in verse 28 and see there will also be grain and drink offerings. So, ask yourself; are these days we are keeping in the Month of Abib to be insignificant during the Millennial Rule of Ezekiel’s Temple?


Not a chance in hell, as the saying goes. So, please do not let a son of hell distract you from your personal efforts to keep this Month in its appointed time. Its not going away any time soon and we should not be careless with it.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021


Good Morning Folks,


For you wheat enthusiasts!


Here is a priceless picture of mom and daughter gathering sheaves of wheat from this morning near Ruhama provided by Zohar Lev. Obviously, it is well past its minimum standard for being aviv.


Now in the next photo we can see the girls in a very mature wheat field which will be used for flour production not silage. It too, is in the N.C. Negev. It is provided by Dindin 1986. It was taken yesterday. The temperature was over 100 degrees F in that location and look at the haze in the picture.


We post these so you can look at the patterns here. All the early planted fields of wheat are aviv at this time in the South. However, there are many other wheat fields which are not. That is because they were planted later in the cycle and will not be aviv for some time yet. Then add on standing time in the field after that of up to 6 weeks and you have a harvest time coming in May. So do not be led astray with pictures of firstfruits in May. They will have all been long gone.


That is not the lesson we are trying to get across here though. These are perfect examples of why we look for wild barley growing in the domestic fields of wheat and barley. If the domestic barley is growing at the same rate (in Zadoks scale) with the wild barley mixed in with it, we have a true witness in both to the timing of their state of aviv, and are able to use them as witnesses in our determination of the year changing.


And once again, pictures similar to these can be found on the internet for all of you to use.

mom and daughter wheat sheaf, 24 Mar 202
girls in mature wheat, 24 Mar 2021.jpg

March 24, 2021: Part 2


Sorry for being a little tardy this morning, we had to get in our 3 mile walk, and prep for today's remodeling around here.

So, here is part 2 of the grain lesson for today, and it is worth a lot to us all in understanding and knowledge about drying Aviv grain in the field.


Zohar's picture below speaks volumes to us. We know ancient Israelites had to dry their grain in standing sheaf's in the field. Please drink this in. This wheat was cut the other day as it reached its level of physiological maturity or state of Aviv. It no longer would be able to drink in moisture or nutrients from the earth so it was cut for silage.


Unfortunately, the farmer was not paying attention to the weather. Look what happens to it in that state of Aviv when left in the field during a heat spell like we have had for the past 2 days. Add to that the intense winds accompanying it and you have some really dried out grain.

These heat spells are only going to intensify in volume and numbers as we move through the early part of this new year.


Please put this understanding of this pattern of grain into your information file. It would be even drier if it had have been tied up into sheaf's and not just laying on the ground.


We remember when Alan accompanied us one year on the inspections and a similar event happened. He was shocked at how fast the grain dries in Israel under these conditions. Alan and Jan had been raising thousands of sheep, and growing thousands of acres of grain for many years in Australia.


Simple lessons in patterns which witness to us year in and year out.

mom and daughter 2 wheat sheaf, 24 Mar 2

There are so many Biblical witnesses declaring the decision of the Elohim to change from winter unto summer and the Month of Abib that it is humbling to those who have eyes to see.


The words of our friends at the Galai Vineyards are so very accurate and we are thankful to them for their love of the Land.

The words of Isaiah and Solomon ring in our ears.

grape bud 1, 24 Mar 2021.jpg
grape bud 3, 24 Mar 2021.jpg
Tuesday, March 23, 2021


Good Morning Folks,


Evgeny captures a good photo of the White Storks looking for breakfast in the wild barley in the north.

Sunday, March 21, 2021


Good Morning Folks,


We hope your Sabbath rest was wonderful and that you are preparing for the great heatwave to hit Israel over the next few days. Tuesday in Jerusalem is forecast to be 29C/84F and in the Southern grain belt 39C/102F


The result of that will be what we call the big brown up. In other words; the South will change color to the golds and yellows and then to brown. So if you like the color change you have seen to date, get ready for the full change of the grains over vast areas of it. Just in time to demonstrate the crowing glory of the Month of Abib as we approach the day of separation on March 25th, or in Biblical Calendar terms: the 10th day of the first month.


As we have been demonstrating it is silage time in the Negev, the South, so we will conclude that aspect of the timing of this year with the photos below from Igal Zorea from the Be'eri area. Please notice the domestic heads are aviv, physiologically ready to reproduce themselves. In the 4th picture some of the wild oats are clearly visible at the bottom of the picture. Once again, notice they are dried out empty husks, and no doubt dropped their seeds several weeks ago just as the pattern has been since we have been following the timing of the barley growth cycle for several decades.


There are some areas where the domestic barley and wheat will be allowed to go to flour harvest time and we will make the effort to show those to you.


The folks at Agamon-Hula are distraught to some extent with the White Storks for all the big groups migrating north are flying by without spending time in their marshes and fields. The White Storks are the biggest draw for the crowds visiting the facility.


Also, we are getting a lot of requests for people to friend us, please remember we don't use the account for personal stuff just for the abib information so do not feel you are being ignored by us not accepting the friend request.

Sabbath, March 20, 2021


Happy Sabbath to all! We hope you have started your walk to Passover and UB and all the wonderful realities they house for us who are called by Father unto His Son at this time.


We have a question that came in which merits some answering. However , it is one of those questions which involved a little speculation and a whole lot of past history and agricultural facts.


There are many wandering about the Calendar Facebook sites who are clueless to any of that and just want to destroy the peace that many in the body have entered into.


Dear Brethren, that is why we do not allow commenting on our site. It is a safe haven for you from the storm of detractors trying to steal your peace from you. The beauty of our site is you can come here and glean what you want and use it in your file of understanding. Very peaceful for all without exception.


Oh yes, we get some who want to post obnoxious messages. When we refuse they call us cowards, etc. Our simple response is: you would probably be happier elsewhere. Unless, they carry it on then the sword of the spirit of truth lets them feel the reality that we are not cowards, meek for the most part but not all, and certainly not weak.


To the question:

"New to the group. Quick question. I have a friend that does the month later feast. Is there anywhere in Israel where the barley would not ripen until next month?"


This is a very good question and is being worked out by a lot of you at this time for you too have some friends who kept their month of Abib last month, and some who will be keeping their month of Abib the next lunar cycle after the one we are in right now.


Some of you guys are saying wow what a loaded question to answer, and to a point you are very correct. For you shooters it is a full 10 round clip or for the old timers all 6 chambers are loaded. So why answer it? First, because it is a humble request and not a statement/challenge wrapped in the form of a question. And yes, we do get those as well.


To start with lets click on the link which follows. It is a video of barley from March 3rd of this year. It is a remarkable piece of the puzzle if we have understanding to go with it. You will see some of the barley has entered the dough stages. There is 2 row: all the ones bowing; and 6 row: all the heads standing straight up. Once again the 6 row tries to imitate their cousins the wheat. Simple little analogies which help us remember patterns in creation.



With your understanding of Zadoks growth scale (which is provided at the top of our page) how long will it be until this field would be aviv, physiologically mature enough to reproduce itself?


The answer can be seen in our video of the field being cut for silage from the other day. Same location. But, was that field ready to be used for flour? No it wasn't. Because it was not allowed to dry out based on today's standards for harvesting grain. Domestic barley and wheat can stand in a field for many weeks before it needs to be harvested. It has to get to a moisture content below 12% so it does not gum up modern combines and does not need to be artificially dried out. One entire step in the production of producing flour is completely missed and that is an economic plus for the producers of it.


This field was planted early in the cycle. With the amount of rain and sunny weather in this region we have a lot of fields maturing rapidly as we have demonstrated with pictures from this year.


This is the very reason we use these locations often, to locate wild barley growing in them. If the wild barley is maturing at the same pace as the domestic we know they are in sync as to timing. BUT, not as to harvesting. Now why is this?


Because once the wild barley reaches the state of physiological maturity, to be able to reproduce itself, it needs to be cut and bundled into sheaf's for in just a few days it will start to dry out and then the head will be able to shatter dispersing its seeds as it is designed to do. Thus a sense of urgency in dealing with it or you would completely lose the crop unless you walked around like Ruth cleaning seeds from off the ground.


Please remember it is our task to find the F of the FF locations to meet the start of the harvest as to the Biblical commands. We are not to focus on the end of the harvest allotted time for that would throw us off. This is not something we can manipulate to support our personal doctrinal understanding.


Now in answering part of the question. The domestic barley and wheat does not face this dilemma. We talked about the domestic barley the other day having a gene mutation which does not let the head shatter and disperse the seeds until many weeks after it has reached the condition of aviv.


It can stand in a location, if protected from all the environmental hazards, for up to 6 weeks. So what does that tell us? That tells us the barley and wheat we see turning color today, and which has been for a week or two in some cases, can still be standing and not harvested until into April, even late April if all conditions are perfect.


Some of you are saying it can't be used for a First of the Firstfruit offering because the commands have been broken, which call for it to be immediately used as such and then immediately harvested after that. Exodus 22:29, 23:19; Mark 4:29, and Deuteronomy 16:9 are some of the key commands in the Biblical pattern of it. No delay!


But, the modern domestic varieties can be delayed. That can present a problem to the Biblical pattern housed in the Plan of Salvation. It has a specific timeline to it. First things first and in a sequential order. Our adversary has used this very aspect of modern grains to promote confusion and chaos in the body of Christ/Messiah.


It empowers people to declare their month of Abib a lunar cycle later, for they claim they can then start the harvest. And they can with the modern varieties of grain. But they have broken all the commands pertaining to not delaying the harvest which was ready to be harvested by Biblical standards, which are a sickle and ones own labor.


The only exception to those following the equinox to start a year is in an intercalated year. That is the only time that the lunar cycle starting after the vernal equinox will coincide with the Biblical Abib Calendar timing. That is a simple fact.


Look at the 2 pictures of wheat below. The first one was taken March 14 of this year, 6 days ago. Look at its obvious early dough stage condition. How long will it take to be in a condition of aviv?


It will probably be harvested for silage based on its location but if not will be harvested between April 10-30th. We will keep an eye on it.


Now look at the 2nd picture. This is a wheat field from May 29, 2020. You may say why so late? The answer is simple, last year was an intercalated year and all the harvest was put off for a month to bring the growing seasons into sync with the rest of creation. Look how "white" it is for harvest. It is 5-6 weeks past its condition of aviv if not longer.


If I am not mistaken I think wavesheaf day for the F of the FF if kept in the next lunar cycle would put it in the beginning of May sometime. Would that be following the spirit of the Plan of Salvation and the commands to not delay the firstfruits or the harvest?


You see, we all have choices to make. That is the beauty of our calling by Father. The Plan tells us our Savior, our First of the Firstfruits, was offered and accepted on our behalf, before our harvest can commence. It does not happen at the same time and it certainly does not happen in reverse with the harvest taking place first and then the First of the Firstfruits being offered.


With that all summed up with the Month of Abib having commenced this week there may be some wild barley in the higher elevations still around towards the end of the 7-week time slot allowed for it but not just entering aviv. At the end, I doubt it, for most all grasses will be brown by then as is the case year after year. There will still be domestic barley and wheat standing but it will be long past the command to not delay the first of the firstfruit and harvest commands.


Hope that can be of assistance.

dough stage from 14 Mar 2021.jpg
wheat 5-6 weeks past aviv, 29 May 2020.j

Figs and grain in the South as of this morning.



























The four legged lawn movers did not get all of this large wild barley field growing in good ground. What stage do you think it is in and why?

figs and grain in the south, 20 Mar 2021
wild barley field, 20 Mar 2021.jpg
Friday March 19, 2021

Good Morning and Happy Preparation Day to ALL!


A summation of some things and a nice surprise as well. The figs are witnessing near Jerusalem. (for you rookies like me, you will need to click on the first picture so it expands to see the fig tree)


Once again Brian Schrauger has provided us with some beautiful pictures from his daily walks around the Judean Hills near Jerusalem.


So, for you diehard goat grass (GG) folks who want to see more you will get a pictorial evaluation of its current growth status high in the mountains. Please remember when you find GG at the upper elevations in the dough stages in semi-stony ground, it will be much more advanced in the traditionally lower early elevations. That is a fact.


Brian captures what a typical grouping of GG looks like in poor soils. Please notice that the bigger more advanced heads have reached the start of the dough stages but only the first ones. But what else do we notice? There are heads just out of the boot. They will not make it to their aviv unless they hurry up and shoot through some important stages of growth for the heavy rains have stopped and the heat is coming quickly to dry out the stony soil.


BUT, what we find important in this picture is the upper right side of the photo. Yes, it is a fig tree near Jerusalem which is sprouting its green leaves and has little balls of fruit starting. It is a witness to the change of the year given to us as sign: from both the Prophets, and from Christ/Messiah Himself.


Please remember the pattern of the fig trees we have established over all the years of inspections in the Land. When one fig is in this stage of growth in the Judean Hills all the others are as well. That is why our Savior used it as a definitive sign that winter is switching to summer. That is what takes place during the Month of Abib. It is the transition Month in the Abib Biblical Calendar.


Now on to the second picture. This is what GG looks like when growing in a terraced orchard near Jerusalem when it is entering the dough stages and in the dough stages, and has not been subject to the 4-legged lawnmowers. Notice

its patchy appearance as to maturing. That is typical of it based on the amount of stone in any given spot.


Once again, when it is this mature near Jerusalem, high up in the mountains, it has past its aviv stage over large parts of the country in many locations as we have demonstrated in pictures recently and in years of Abib Reports.


However, as we always put in the caveat: we do not use it for determining the start of the year. Only wild barley (WB) growing in good ground goes through a real Zadok growth cycle. Just look at the heads we have shown in the good ground this year and then at these ones and the difference is stark. GG is anemic looking compared to the WB found growing where the domestic grains do. The scriptures tell us the grains grow in the valleys (flat land) and the hills are used for grazing and fruits.


Lets now recognize a very important fact to those of us who are not in the Land this year. The Typical March Calendar dates we posted for a yearly guide as to the timing of the witnesses has been spot on once again this year as it has for the past 23+ ones.


This is why we have always known what we would find once we landed in Israel and began our inspections. This year is no exception. Some folks thought we were insane for putting ourselves "out on a limb" by doing so. Having faith accompanied by years of creation patterns experience, is not going out on a limb, but rather, being embraced by the trunk of the tree itself.


So, to date we have all the 10 witnesses in the Land. This year Father allowed some of them to come near the end of their traditional witness period rather than the beginning. To us the reason why is simple; He once again is demonstrating to those who have kept the month of Abib in the 12th month of this past cycle, have time to open their eyes and see the spirit of God/Elohim moving across the Land so that we can all see what His focus is and not that of a man or a woman.


We hope you have a wonderful upcoming Sabbath rest and are in full swing with preparing for the footwashing blessing and Passover symbols and the joyous rehearsal of Unleavened bread.


We will continue to post appropriate pictures for a time, as per some of your requests. That is the only reason we are doing so. If any of you are looking for something specific let us know and we will attempt to include pictures of it as well.

barley, fig bud Judean Hills, 18 Mar 202
goat grass judean hills, 18 Mar 2021.jpg

Some of you guys have requested more pictures of the harvest taking place in the Land. So here you have some pictures from Igal Zorea from today.


Notice the grain had hit its maximum level of nutrients in the seeds so then cut for silage. This is from the Be'eri area, which is south of the area we saw this taking place in previously. They all come to this state of dough at relatively the same time in the South and always during the Month of Abib.


There should be 4 pictures but being the rookie at this part of things only one may link. If that is the case just follow to her site.


Keep in mind for use as silage they will not allow it to dry out. Maybe one of you dairy farmers can tell us why?

Been 50 years since I last pitch fork it into the wagon from the silo and fed to the over anxious cows ready to milking.


Also notice all the oats have dropped some time ago.


We have a winner! Don't feel bad if you were lost on this one it was a difficult one to answer.


Silage requires moisture for proper fermentation to minimize dry loss and spoilage!

From Tim Horne.


That is why the dairy cows would be scolding me that I was not getting it to them fast enough. The first thing I was taught about pitching silage (corn stocks and cobs at the time) was not to go into the silo for all the fermentation would have "spell binging effects" aka intoxicating, on me just like consuming it does on the cows.

cut silage near Beeri, 19 Mar 2021.jpeg
Thursday, March 18, 2021


We appreciate the comment accompanying the picture of the grape vines from the Tzora Vineyards. They are located in the Judean Hills. We too are looking forward to a new and safe growing season in the Lord.

grape bud jordan valley, 17 Mar 2021.jpe
Wednesday, March 17, 2021


Good Morning Folks,


This video is a very good example of what we have mentioned often over the years. Here we have the grain field being harvested yesterday and today. Take a good look at what is actually taking place. The grain here has hit the early dough stages. You may ask; why are they harvesting it now when it is still moist and can't be used for grinding into flour?


The answer is very simple. Silage! This grain is going to be used by one of the local dairy operations for feeding the cows. It has matured enough that the seeds are full and are loaded with all the nutrients they ever will have, so it now gets cut and semi-dried and then prepped for transport.


Once the field is cleared it will be dried out stubble left. There are some who are ignorant of this process who in the past have tried to say the grain harvest has happened and show a picture of cut dried out stubble field. As the old commercial for tuna used to say: "Sorry Charlie."

harvesting grain 17 Mar 2021.jpeg

There are birders reporting sightings today of up to 10,000 White storks from a single location in the South. Check your wind map and you will see a Southwest wind started early last night. This is the second one of March and the big part of the migration of this beautiful and very noisy witness is underway.


And yes, the domestic and wild barley are speaking the same thing. Stay tuned for more witnesses and the evidences they are declaring publicly to all who have eyes to see.

domestic grain 16 Mar 2021.jpg
ABIB 1:  Tuesday March 16, 2021


Good Morning Folks and Happy New year to all. We say all because by now everyone who keeps the Abib Calendar will have started the Month of Abib.


Storks, and Barley and Wheat facts updates today.


There are White Stork sightings all over the South and Central parts of the country. It appears there is a huge supply of food for them so they are in no hurry to move on too fast. Some birders are reporting thousands of them at a time.

However, these are the early birds. Remember that the big majority does not head north from N. Africa until the second south wind in March and as in each year they will continue up into April for it is sunlight which affects the chemical process in their brain to migrate as we have discussed a number of times here.


All the other birds are in play as well.


Now Barley:


Some are inquiring about domestic barley not shattering when being harvested? Does it shatter? The answer is yes, eventually. As we have mentioned often, wild barley shatters at the point of aviv, its physiological maturity point, thus it is designed by the Elohim to self-seed in an effort to reproduce itself. All barley originated from this strain in the Northern Jordan Valley.


However, somewhere along the way a variant of it developed as the result of a mutation in one of the linked genes: BT1-BT2. This resulted in a non-shattering heads when in the state of aviv, and well beyond. To the ancient grain farmer this was a miracle to be welcomed and utilized.


This mutated barley could stand in the field for many weeks past maturity which had so many economic and basic labor advantages to it that it revolutionized barley growing and harvesting. The grain farmer could now let the grain stand for much longer so it could dry out to a single digit moisture percentage which made for being able to grind it into flour right after winnowing. But, if he wished he could still cut it with 20-25% moisture content and dry it himself. Lots of options now.


Below you will find one of our articles on both barley and wheat and many of the basic facts about each of them. After reading about the 3 wheat classifications you may never eat modern wheat again. Linda and I, as well as many others, have switched over to Einkorn.


Also please note there are many experimental grain types being nurtured at this time. Genes from one are being inserted into another in the hopes of bringing about a "better" product. Once the drought resistant gene was isolated in the wild barley strain it has become popular to add it to other strains to see if it will also enhance the ability to withstand drought more.


Some feel this type of genetic engineering is a good benefit to mankind but we do not. This is not just crossbreeding and fertilizing, this goes to the very core of what the Elohim have placed in creation, and it should not be altered.


Barley and Wheat Facts


Barley: Hordeum Vulgare (domestic) and Hordeum Spontaneum (wild)


  • Both have a total of 14 chromosomes. That comes from 7 pairs or sets of 2 chromosomes each, thus the total of 14. They have father (male) and mother (female) chromosomes. Thus, they are self-pollinating.

  • Domestic barley has non-shattering spikes due to a mutation in one of the linked genes BT1-BT2. It is more oval than wild barley not having the length to width dimensions of the wild.

  • Wild barley has brittle spikes which ensures seed dispersal.


Wheat: (basically, three main types.)


Einkorn: Referred to as the mother of all wheat. It is the most ancient wheat.

  • It is a diploid wheat because it has two sets of 7 chromosomes for a total of 14 chromosomes. Once again mother/father structure.

  • Its seeds resemble wild barley seeds.

  • It is higher in mineral content than bread wheat of today.

  • It is classified as free threshing and it is hulled.

  • It has excellent flavor and due to its peptide combinations of gliadin and glutenin its gluten content is vastly reduced compared to modern wheat species or bread species.

  • It does not work well with leaven in some applications

  • It is predominantly a “spring” wheat.



  • is a polyploid wheat. It has 4 sets of chromosomes for a total of 28 chromosomes. Thus, each set has 7 chromosomes.

  • It is also a hulled wheat

  • It has excellent flavor and is missing some of the gliadins found in modern wheat varieties.

  • It works better with leaven than Einkorn wheat does.

  • It is durable and can thrive in some adverse conditions.


Modern or Bread: i

  • s hexaploidy. It has 6 sets of chromosomes which contain 7 chromosomes each. Thus, we have a total of 42 chromosomes.

  • High gluten content

  • Not hulled

  • Works well with leaven to make nice puffed-up bread.

  • When addressing wheat do not be misled by the label “heirloom.” Heirloom is not ancient varieties. Heirloom is strains of modern wheat found prior to 1950.


You will be hard pressed to find out why the 1950 date. The hidden answer is simple. In the 50’s and early 60’s the big seed companies were on the radiation kick. They would bombard their seed supplies with radiation with the hope of creating the ultimate wheat seed. Didn’t go as planned. When I was a kid there used to be ads run to buy seeds that will give you “the atomic garden.” Now we have altered species of most modern wheat which can’t be digested by many in society today. All 42 chromosomes of it.


For number counting folks, look at the numbers here: 7, 14, 28, 42. Then we have the dividers and multipliers of 2, 4, and 6.


Look to the number of lambs in all the sacrifices and their multipliers, etc.


Don’t overlook the wheat and the 42 months either.


We could have a lot of fun with all of this as it applies to the two grain harvests and the lambs.


If you are curious why the folks who use goat grass are hesitating to call the year please don't ask us. You need to speak to them.


All we know is that goat grass, which is used by many inspectors in the Land to set the start of the year, has been ready and past ready for weeks.


These are just 2 pictures anyone can get off the internet. We could post dozens of them from yesterday alone, so do your own investigating. It is very simple if you have a computer with internet connection.


Both of these are from 2 separate locations in the South. As we have mentioned to some of you who asked, we do not normally post goat grass pictures because we do not use it, for it grows in bad ground full of stones and rocks. Thus, you get a false read from it for it matures in a much quicker cycle of growth than does wild barley, and oats for that matter growing in good ground.


These are simple facts that take place in Israel, so please put them into your folder of things to look for and those not to in future years.

goat grass posted 15 Mar 2021.jpg
goat grass 2 posted 16 Mar 2021.jpg
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