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Friday January 31, 2025

Happy Preparation Day to All and a happy start to the 12th Biblical month as well!

We hope you are following the growing cycle in the Land on a regular basis. Will the rains come back in any consistency typical of winter in the Land or turn off. Each affects the barley growth differently as many of you know. That is why we wait on He who waters from above and sets in place the meteorological conditions which determine how and when maturity takes place.

This is such a wonderful time of the year to be a member of the Body of Christ/Messiah. We are transitioning into the second half of winter in the Land and seeing the many signs of that taking place. Now comes the intensity of the 10 Biblical signs in creation picking up and with them comes a sense of anxiety for some. For others a sense of anticipation as we wait upon our Elohim to make Their decision clear as the start of the next new year and the Month of Abib.

A point of interest to some who may not understand it, but technically it is referred to as the Month of THE Abib where we learn its name and function. From that we simply refer to it as the Month of Abib.

Unfortunately, at this time of year we are also inundated with some unbiblical sages spewing out their insanity. But that is okay for they are there for a purpose just like Shimei was. Their chief mantra flooding and blowing about at this time is the calendar is preset with the equinox being the biblical “sign” we are to wait on to start the new year. Of course that is as pagan as January 1st at midnight as the new year. Translated that means where is the command in scripture to look for the abib (barley)? That is because they are all wrapped up in one wind of doctrine or another about unbiblical claims of equinox’s dominion in the Calendar.

Watch how easy it is to answer that pagan centered doctrine.

The only Biblical reference to an unseen moment in the sky which is pertinent to the Promised Land is the equilux. That is because it is the equilux (equal day and night) that originates at the coordinates of Jerusalem. Every location on earth has one. You old timers know we have the dates of it for Jerusalem on the website for others to use if they are so inclined.

Why some might ask?

Because Christ/Messiah used it as an example in the gospels once.

John 11:9 Jesus answered, are there not twelve hours in this (not the) day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world.

The context is very clear (as is the Greek grammar) as He continues to instruct about light and dark. There are only 2 days each year with almost the same amount of light and dark, and both precede the worlds equinox delusion. Our Creator clearly understood that, so it’s obvious He is not talking about the Roman division of the day. Thus, we have the dates of it that occur in Jerusalem every year. It’s all a matter of arithmetic. What we have observed over the past few decades is that Passover has never occurred prior to the equilux in Jerusalem when following all the rules applied to the Biblical Year.

Now I know a lot of you can easily refute the equinox bird’s claims, but you do not do so publicly because of the admonition in scripture about doing so found repeatedly in the Proverbs. I, on the other hand, am required to do so from time to time for the benefit of those caught up in the confusion from being young in their calling or slipping into a bad moment. So, in compliance with my function in the Body for trying to edify other members about the Abib Calendar who are still learning its nuances, I will do so again today and point out the obvious.

Let me preface it with: these understandings are not for everyone; they are not intended to be understood by everyone here at the end of the age. That is just a simple fact and no put down. Scripture instructs us that we were all weak and base when called by Father. Some grow past that and some do not. Some grow faster than others as well. Everyone in their own time.

There is only one place in the scriptures which instruct us when and how the first month of the Biblical Year begins. And no, it is not found in Genesis 1:14-18. That authority is not given there as we will see.

Genesis 1:14-18 Then Elohim said, let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and appointed times of meeting, and for days and years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth; and it was so. Then Elohim made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. The stars also. Elohim set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And Elohim saw that it was good. So, the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

Those instructions are very simple with no command in them to calculate the timing of an equinox to start a year. We are instructed in how the sun and the moon are designed to be “signs” for specific appointed times (moedim). Their light as it is seen by the naked eye from the earth is used for the definitive signs. As the Hebrew word means; something easily seen. You can’t see an equinox (or a solstice for that matter) for it is an unseen moment in time in the sky (calculated) taking place 2000 miles south of the Promised Land.

What can you see under these simple instructions? We can witness to the moed of sunset, the moed of sunrise, and the moed of a first crescent. There is no moed of an equinox as it has no light to be seen meeting with something else, just like a no-moon (conjunction) which many call a new moon. There is also no moed of a year associated with light as seen from the earth. Once again it is the light we are to see with our eyes from these celestial bodies which is the tool used for instructing us. The moed of the year, is given by command to be a specific Month by our Elohim.

What most do not apply to each of these moedim is a major tool in understanding the relationship defining the time and the place of the actual moed (meeting) and thus the workings of the Abib Calendar Cycle.

Let’s use sunset for instance. That particular meeting place is the sun transiting behind/below the horizon of the earth. It is a time when daylight turns into the darkness of night. But it does not happen in an instant once the body of the sun is no longer visible below the horizon does it. Of course not you say, so what is the point you are getting at. This moed has a short time period we call twilight. The Bible calls it between the evenings. It is when sunlight is still not letting darkness have its dominion yet even though one can’t see the actual orb of the sun. We still can’t see the light of the stars or for that matter a new moon for a while after the sun has actually set behind the horizon during this transition, we call twilight.

This is very important for each of the moedim taking place with the lights in the sky in keeping accurate time by the Biblical standards. The pattern is simple, there is a time of twilight after sunset separating the two from total light and total darkness. At night it is after sunset, in the morning it is before sunrise. Lots to say about that but I will stick to the point. These two moedim define the two divisions of a Biblical day and individually each have transition periods.

The same thing is applied to the Biblical month which is defined by its light. As such it can be 29 or 30 days. We have to wait on it to happen by the rules in place in Genesis 1. It is a matter of faith and waiting on our Elohim to show us. When the light of the moon runs its course, it too has a transition time between old and new. That can last for a little over 2 days at times based on its positioning with the sun and the earth before we see its first light once again which is the result of the 3 celestial bodies meeting at a particular time and place in their rotations. It is its light and nothing else we are to apply to its moed according to the Bible. It does not matter what takes place during its dark period for that has no authority because it has no light to be seen from the earth with our eyes.

Now please listen up guys, there is no such transition for a solar year. It does not have a moed defined by its light as seen from the earth with our eyes. That is not its purpose. It needs arithmetic applied to it or some other invention of man. And that equates to an unseen moment in time. Kind of like magic, eh? In fact, these unseen moments are divided into 4 mathematical divisions. No moed based on its light as seen from the earth let alone from the Promised Land. That is the rule which gives each moed defined in Genesis 1 its authority and pattern, its light as seen from the earth with our own two eyes.

A Biblical Year is defined by counting Biblical Months. The simple fact is there can be 12 or 13 in a given solar cycle to keep the growing cycles in harmony with the suns cycle (which does not have a transition period between cycle) it just keeps on going without any change no starting and stopping point.

However, the Biblical Year does have a transition time between winter and summer which defines the year we are governed by as to setting our appointed times of meeting with our Elohim. It has a starting point and a finishing point. It is called the Month of Abib. It is the transition time between winter and summer. The Month of Abib is the moed between the two meeting. It has 10 Biblical witnesses spelled out in scripture which are placed in it perfectly each and every Biblical Year for all to see with their eyes in the Promised land. They are placed in sequence to accommodate the timing of the Passover, Days of Unleavened Bread and the Wavesheaf Offering of the First of the Firstfruits of Barley. It is in perfect harmony with the Plan of Salvation. No delaying it in any way, shape, or form.

You have heard us say it is a transition month in the Biblical Year between winter and summer often in the past. Now you know why, if you did not know before.

Yes, all these 3 appointed times of meeting in Genesis 1 the divisions of the day and the duration of a month are determined by the light as seen from the earth with our eyes. When the sun sets over the horizon that displays two things meeting at a designated time and place which is clearly visible. Do you see the simplicity in all of that? The simplicity in Christ/Messiah as the scriptures state.

When is the last time you saw the light of an equinox or a solstice for that matter as it is seen from the earth with your two eyes let alone from the Promised Land? I actually had a person tell me they could see the equinox from California once. I’m not pulling your leg.

From these three visible appointed times in Genesis 1 (and only three) we have what we need to determine the two divisions of a day (evening and morning as it states in the verses above) and the start of a new month. These are the building blocks of a basic calendar (as weekly counts traverse between two New Moons). We use these to count the number of days in a week, and in a month. Thus, we have all the celestial components for keeping accurate time based on the 3 moedim mentioned above.

What don’t we have based on the 3 clearly seen moedim above? The start of a Biblical Year as I explained earlier.


Because the Biblical Year is centered around the timing of the Plan of Salvation and not the other way around. That is why we are told we are to use these 3 moedim for numbering things. The Plan of Salvation has annual rehearsals of its timeline that we are commanded to keep. These rehearsals are given specific days in specific months that are not to be missed with specific times for sacrifices in each of them. Our Elohim do the numbering for us and we do the counting ourselves to make sure we have the same days recorded so we can observe them is spirit and truth with all sincerity of effort on a yearly basis.

These annual rehearsals are tied to the harvests in the Promised Land. Yehovah says it is His focal point from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year in relation to the conditions necessary for growing and harvesting crops.

Deuteronomy 11:10-15 For the land which you go to possess is not like the land of Egypt from which you have come, where you sowed your seed and watered by foot, as a vegetable garden; but the land which you cross over to possess is a land of hills and valleys, which drinks water from the rain of heaven, a land for which Yehovah your Elohim cares; the eyes of Yehovah your Elohim are always on it, from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year. And it shall be that if you earnestly obey My commandments which I command you today, to love Yehovah your Elohim and serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul, then I will give the rain for your land in its appointed time: the early rain and the latter rain, that you may gather in your grain, your new wine, and your oil. And I will send grass in your fields for your livestock, that you may eat and be filled.

Notice the only things mentioned here during the year from start to finish are crops which can be harvested in conjunction with the rains. Big oversight for the unseen moment folks here as the components of the Biblical Calendar will all be present as seen from the Promised Land. No peeking 2000 miles to the south for something that can’t even be seen with the naked eye from the surface of the earth. Or did Yehovah just fool them? Is that secret knowledge we can’t get?

So where do we start and stop the counting of days and weeks and lunar months for this Biblical Year? Only one place in scripture tells us.

Exodus 12:1-2 Now Yehovah spoke to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying; this month (the one they were actually in at the time) shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you. [There is a much more accurate translation of these verses in the attached file below]

There are no other places folks, that’s it. It does not tell us how many months preceded it does it. This month here is the one all the counting starts from to get an accurate day for a specific annual appointed time of meeting with our Elohim. This is the month we wait for as a sign to start the Biblical Year. The Month of Abib or as mentioned earlier the Month of the Abib, thus the name Month of Abib.

How do we know that is its name? Lots of places, but let’s just use the one which also defines the appointed times we meet with Them in it.

Deuteronomy 16:1-2 Guard the Month of Abib, and keep the Passover to Yehovah your Elohim, for in the month of the Abib Yehovah your Elohim brought you out of Egypt by night.

Please notice it is not referenced as the month of the equinox that magic moment in the sky unseen by the naked eye 2,000 miles south of there. We are commanded to guard it because of its importance to the start of the annual rehearsals which are our life in the spirit and it all times with the replenishing of the foods we also need to live in the flesh.

We use the 3 moedim of light as seen with our eyes on the earth as mentioned earlier to do the counting of the days and weeks. The biblical pattern of a day is from sunset to sunset. We add 7 of these days together and we have a week. We have the pattern of a month consisting of 29 or 30 days which is determined by the light of the moon as seen from the earth with our eyes when our Elohim so choose. We do not use the mathematical timing of a conjunction for we can’t see any light from it while standing on the earth with our eyes. A Biblical Year is comprised of either 12 or 13 clearly seen lunar months, not the mathematical timing of one solar revolution which has no moed defining it which can be seen from the earth with our eyes like the day and month do.

The focus of the annual appointed times of meeting with our Elohim are confined to 7 months. There is no emphasis on 12 or 13 months in that. Once again much to say about that but I am sticking to the point (relief for some of you, eh!) The emphasis is placed solely on the Month of Abib starting the count once again and thus defines the start of a Biblical Year. Easy-peasy, eh!

So, we would not be in doubt about the actual timing of this month They have given us other Biblical witnesses in creation to support the timing of and continuance through the start of this first Month of Abib. You can read about them here on the Facebook Page in the band at the top or at the website. Our focus here in on the Abib; first shakeable heads of barley occurring during a specific month.

And by the way if you did not know it before, there is no spring or fall in the Promised Land. Simple fact often distorted by some which can lead you down a road to error.

Genesis 8:22 The earth will continually repeat: seed time and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease!

Well look at that, there is no magic unseen moment in time called a solstice either. Why, because they are not relevant to the Promised Land where His focus is from the beginning of the year to the very end of the year.

What I have done next is copied and pasted pages 129-132 from chapter 10 about the Month of Abib from our online Book: “The Plan of Salvation” to assist some in understanding this month is named as such, as an identifying sign. The barley is front and center and it even has other witnesses so to speak holding up its arms in this end of the age classic battle of truth verses error. These other Biblical witnesses to the transitioning end of winter and start of summer are there as safeguards against frauds subjecting the Biblical Calendar to erroneous fables of men. In these couple of pages you will see the accurate translations and meanings to the key Hebrew terms left as a record for us.

We hope this can assist you in case the migrating equinox birds decide to attempt to land on you.

File below.

Our peace we give to you!


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