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Sabbath February 1, 2025

Good Morning and a Happy Sabbath to All!

We hope you are basking in the peace and safety this wonder day of blessings promises us. Actually, the question was asked about yesterday’s post why I left out the 7 day week count in speaking about transitions and the command to use the light of the celestial bodies as seen from the earth with our naked eyes?

I actually didn’t address it in that context as it is part of the numbering we do with the 2 divisions of the day (between light and dark) with their combined total equaling one Biblical day. So, it is an extension of that. That numbering also applies to counting to Pentecost as well for that moed of Yehovah. Both are based on Biblical 7 day weeks being counted.

As for the Sabbath or the 7th day it is the transition between the 6 days of work from week to week. And yes, there are special sacrifices on it above and beyond those required each day in the evening and in the morning to keep it in focus for Native Israel. The New moon also has special sacrifices on it as well. What does not have a special sacrifice pertinent to it?

The first day of the Biblical Year.

But that will change once our Savior has returned, as Ezekiel instructs us the first day of the first month (Abib) will have a special sacrifice assigned to it and some special functions not included in the terms and conditions of the First Marriage Covenant.

Thanks for keeping on your toe’s guys. It makes us smile and raise our hands and bow our heads in thanks to our Creators: Father and Son.

There are some of you asking that we pick up the multiple postings each week again. Some are even angry about it. It is not our function to make decisions for anyone else or fill their vessels with our efforts here at the end of the age. Everyone needs to put their hands to the plow themselves. The means of locating and examining the daily photos of what is actually taking place based on the Biblical witnesses in creation during the Abib Growing Cycle are all there for everyone to do on their own.

We have established in writing and in photos the entire process for years now, which if someone actually has the initiative, they can do the same. So, for the few who want someone else to feed them, get with it and grow up. We are to all grow in favor, acceptance and knowledge through our own efforts in our one-on-one relationship with Christ/Messiah as we dine with Him. It won’t work if you are depending on another in the Body to do it for you. We are the called of Father, then accepted into the Body of Christ/Messiah (if we meet His conditions) and not some “church” organization of men.

The 4 of us here at abibofgod have fellowship with others on the Sabbath every other week or so. A lot of you guys do similar things even weekly at times from small gatherings to big gathers of brethren. What a wonderful thing, but never lose focus as to who is your Head and what He requires of you individually.

We here at abibofgod can assist in the journey and that’s it. Of course, most of you know this, but a few who are in the wrong place in their thinking of what our function is, are that way from being conditioned by others to just pay and pray, and the grifters, muckity-mucks, and hirelings will do the rest.

What a recipe for disaster. We will all be judged on our own personal works as the scriptures instruct us.

As a tribute to being in the second day of the 12th Biblical Month we have a few pictures of the transition from the first half of winter into the second. The defining witness to that happening are the red anemones and the almond blossoms.

We also have a couple of photos of what the young agricultural growing season looks like from a distance. Quiet beauty, that speaks volumes to us! As the saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words, especially if they are flowing from the lips of one who qualifies as a grifter, hireling, or muckity-muck. Examine the photos for all the relevant instructions they are giving. It is good practice and then apply it to the Abib Growing Cycle.

By the way I am told the queen grifter in the north is not starting her year even though there is a lot of wild barley growing that will be aviv by the 14thof this 12th Biblical Month. Imagine that.

It is also a good time to point out to all that if the shortage of water persists in some of the early germinating areas, they will jump into a quickened pace for ensuring survival of their seeds, which have not even materialized yet as flowering has not happened in the boot yet let alone out of it. We have attached 2 photos from today and yesterday of two of the three earliest germinating and maturing fields you have been seeing in our posts. Lots of flag leaves this week though. Coming close to the next phase in Zadoks growth cycle. If the domestic and wild barley growing together in good agricultural ground enters the drought stage and forced rapid growth, we will see lots of anemic stalks and very blemished plants which preclude them for being used as a most holy First of the Firstfruit Wavesheaf Offering of barley. Anything labels as most holy in scripture can’t have any blemishes as most know.

We showed you quite a few pictures of that taking place last year in parts of the South so you can refer back to them to refresh your mind about what it looks like and what its ultimate use was. The farm community will always get a use out of their crops even though it may not be the number one desired.

Maybe we will make the point of posting weekly updates each Sabbath from here through to the start of the year. Some in the Land have taken the bait. Should be fun to some extent even though deadly serious as to outcome. But Father does have a sense of humor does He not.

Our peace we give to you!


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