Hi once again folks,
We are hoping the rest and rejuvenation available on this sacred day has reached you in our keeping of it.
As promised in the earlier post I have a few photos from this week you can practice the Zadok Scale of growth on. Nothing tricky in any of them just some good practice in evaluating when the fields may be first ready for harvesting by Biblical standards and patterns.
The first 2 are simply showing what the wild grains look like as opposed to the domestic this week under the same set of circumstances. What is your evaluation of that?
The third photo is of a typical area of wild oats and barley minus any domestic as it is not tillable. It is used for grazing livestock and thus falls under the classification of "goat grass."
Photos 4 and 5 show you wild, as opposed to domestic growing in the same location from this week. Notice how young both are and also how they are growing at the same pace under the same meteorological conditions. So why in the previous photo comparisons is the wild younger that the domestic?
The soils folks!
In 4-5 they are both located in some rich soils even though one is not planted this year. In this particular location their will be a lot of wild barley growing amongst the domestic barley.
Then in pictures 6-8 we have three different stages of growth for the majority of the each field. Please take the time to identify which ones and commit them to memory. How do you do that, by truly focusing on them throughout the day and upcoming week. When that is done they are easily recalled from our memory banks in our brains for future use. It only takes some of your time and attention.
And then we have some of our first half of winter friends in the flower kingdom. The Palestine Iris' are special this time of year.
Then a quick peek at some of the mountain streams flowing to the sea as they are designed to do eventually.
Our peace we give to you.