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Sabbath October 5, 2024

Brian Convery

Happy Sabbath and 8th New Moon day to you all,

We are hoping you are all keeping well and being blessed in this age of rumors of war and pestilence. Keep strong for you are the hope of the world through Christ in your calling by Father.

Make note of the 30 day New Moon count is at 3 in a row. This current one will be another 30, and then we have a real possibility of a 5th in a row in December. Keep in mind we are talking about time duration's as seen from the Jerusalem area. No picking a bouquet of locations, just like no picking a bouquet of heads of grain from a big field to declare it aviv.

Its always nice to have some fun from time to time.

Recently a friend of mine brought up the claim being used by some that we are to use the timing of the sun transiting through the constellation Aries to begin the new year and thus the month of Abib.

I see there are a number of different versions of that error being used, but an error is an error. Each one I looked at went back to Josephus for their authority to so so. Unfortunate that people just don't use the authority of the Bible, but that is the age we live in, times 2.

As Bridget mentioned just the other day people don't want to do their own research, instead they just rely on another to do it for them and when something sounds good to their ears they adopt it into their thinking and purposes.

So, I have put together a short study on why we do not use Aries as the sun transits it for anything remotely connected to the start of the Biblical Year. We use the 10 clearly described witnesses to it, in creation, in the Promised Land, to confirm what our Elohim have decided for us.

This Aries error has the same standing as the Vernal Equinox detailed in our article: Why I do not use and equinox (spring or autumnal) in anything Biblical. They both go hand in hand with those who are deceived and deceiving.

Our peace we give to you.


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