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Sabbath September 10, 2022

Brian Convery

Good Morning and Happy Sabbath to all of you.

We are hoping you are all doing well and finding some peace in the darkness this age is trying to impose upon us.

Some of the events of the past month have caused us to come to the conclusion that many do not understand that the Abib Calendar of our Elohim is a complete cycle of understanding with built in sign posts throughout to guide us on our journey.

They are there to assist us in determining if our original decision to start the Month of Abib has been correct or not. It is so appropriate to apply the statement "I will never leave nor forsake you." So, what we are planning on doing is putting together a chronology of those sign posts to guide and correct our walk through any particular Calendar year. We may do so by using this year as an example.

For instance: during the 13th month of the last cycle, which unfortunately was the first month of a cycle kept by some, we had record breaking cold, rain, and snow in the Promised Land. That was a course correction sign post to advise those keeping it out of season to please correct their walk and start the first month of the Elohim a month later. Thanks to some of you and your efforts some did. Unfortunately not enough.

One other very pronounced sign post is the timing of the grape harvest and the return migrations through the Land. Scripture simply tells us we are not to be still harvesting grapes during the timing of the Festival of Tabernacle/Ingathering. It is even more defined than that as many of you know, for it tells us that the harvest is already pressed out before that appointed time is to be kept.

Yes, the Abib Calendar of the Elohim is an entire yearly cycle that is to be according to the timings recorded in the Bible. That is there to keep us from going astray through its entirety, and in Their mercy they give us a way to correct what may have been a poor decision.

So, what we are asking of all you guys is to take some time and send in some of the sign posts in the process so we can include them in an article. We know you are out there, so share your experience and understanding as individuals to assist the entire Body. We can keep your names confidential, not a problem.

Please send them over to the fellowship email listed at the top of this Page. We are our brothers keeper.


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