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Thursday January 18, 2024

Good Morning folks,

We hope your week is progressing along without any major distractions.

So, we now have 53 days left in the grain growing cycle before the new moon crescent is scheduled to appear in the Land on March 11 after sunset. That will be here before you know it as the saying goes.

The Iris' keep popping up around the country. They are so intricately designed.

A few locations got frost this week.

The wild oats which are the forerunner to the wild barley by a few weeks are coming along well.

Tzora Vineyard announced they would start their winter pruning next week.

Domestic grains in the upper Jordan Valley are doing well as they are around much of the country.

I have a number of questions from multiple people about my thoughts on new moon sightings in Israel. They encompass a wide range of specifics. Oddly enough I sent out a brief summation of some of them recently to some of you guys. Will give it some more thought if I want to expand it to the site here.

Some things and topics are best left alone due to the frenzies which occur in some circles.

Some questions are genuine and some are statements wrapped in the grammar of a question. And then some are obviously people trying to trip you up in your words. That is a game minions of the devil use often, for he himself is a master at it. Didn't work out too well on Christ though, did it.

Matthew 22:15-16 Then the Pharisees went and plotted how they might entangle Him in His words. And they sent to Him their disciples…

This is a pattern of the enemy. That is what the minions of satan do. It happens to me from time to time but I don’t fall for it. Instead I follow the example of Christ and ask a question of them or quote scripture to them.

And at times I just ignore them. I am counseled by Linda to do this one more than not. I'm learning!

It will be a busy time ahead now in this years Abib Growing Cycle. Things can happen at a quickened pace in the second half of winter in the Land.

It would be nice to get at least one sustained sharav event in February. Doesn't look good for one in January but we will wait and see.

Our peace we give to you.


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