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Brian Convery

Wednesday February 22, 2023

Hi Folks,

Well, it is decision time for some of you today. Do you start a new year this month or is it obvious not nearly enough witnesses in creation are present to do so?

I do believe most on this Facebook Page and the Website will be keeping the start of the Biblical Year at the next new moon in March. But that is only an assumption.

This will be one of those years when so many are on the same starting month.

1) We have those who must have barley in the aviv state by the middle of the first month, 2) We have those who need to have it aviv by the start of the first month, 3) We have those who keep the closest new moon to the equinox, 4) We have those who keep it only after the equinox, 5) And also, those who use the actual equilux in Jerusalem in their determinations.

Quite a mix here to say the least. Most of us are connected with the 7th day Sabbath in common and that is where it ends for some. After that there are some who keep and practice specific doctrines, that some may or may not agree with or keep. That’s all part of the end of the age as well.

The wonderful thing is if Father has called us, it is He who has made us spiritual kin.

For many of us, we follow the physiological maturity (state of aviv) of the barley as the number one witness in creation. Please, no goat grass. But it does not end there. Scripture instructs us about NINE other corresponding witnesses in creation which hold up the barley's arms so to speak. That way we will not be fooled by any falsehoods which are very prevalent these days. Our adversary has many fakes for the real thing in his bag of tricks and deceptions. Some come claiming they are levites, some agrarian experts, some spiritual virgins, some modern-day Ruth’s, etc. They all have a gimmick or two they surround themselves in.

But for us we only follow the Lamb of Fathers household and it is He who is the one Wavesheaf offered on our behalf. None other qualify for that function. He is without blemish, completely undefiled in any way. He and His physical representation of the first barley to be able to reproduce itself is our standard to go by. He was without blemish and His physical representation of that also needs to be without blemish. No anemic false representations accepted.

So, be good candidates for the Melchizedek Priesthood and learn what is blemished and what is not. We will be teaching it to others. Native Israel fell flat on their faces when it came to this, both the Nation of Israel and the Nation of Judah. Due to their failures, we have the opportunity to be grafted in to complete the number our Elohim had set for completion.

For us there is only one Passover under the terms and conditions of the Second Marriage Covenant. We do not roll the dice in sloppy behavior thinking we can have a way out with a second Passover. Not in this Covenant folks! If we have been granted to go beyond the milk of the word, we are warned about such sloppy, careless behavior.

Hebrews 6:3-6 And this we will do if God permits. For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted the heavenly gift, and have become partakers of the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the good Word of God and the powers of the age to come, if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again for themselves the Son of God, and put Him to an open shame.

No room for a second Passover Sacrifice in our terms and conditions. No room for an anemic representation of our Wave Sheaf.

That should sum up some answers to questions on my part.

Our peace we give to you!


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