March 15, 2023Brian ConveryMar 15, 2023Looks like the first two weeks of the early birds goat grass harvest is a complete whip-out! Do you think Father made His point loud and clear enough to those who have some doubts? Israeli winter returns with a stormy bite following a dry month
Looks like the first two weeks of the early birds goat grass harvest is a complete whip-out! Do you think Father made His point loud and clear enough to those who have some doubts? Israeli winter returns with a stormy bite following a dry month
Monday November 6, 2023Hi Folks, We are hoping things are well with you all in spite of the evil abounding all around us. You have often heard us refer to the...
Sunday October 8, 2023: the 8th day of the FOTGood Morning Folks, We hope you are focusing on the reality of this last of the annual public rehearsal times of meeting in this yearly...