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Sunday December 17, 2023

Brian Convery

Good Morning Folks,

I tried a couple of times yesterday to put up a video Linda got from Gisela while at the Beer Sheva bus station this past week as the rain was coming down. However you obviously have noticed there is no video. When I would post it the verbiage in my update would cover the screen so I would delete it.

Now some of you savvy tech type folks are no doubt shaking your head at such a simple task. Kindergarten stuff right? That's okay, I get it.

The update was in regards to the rains this past week in portions of the South. If you draw a triangle (I can do that) from just south of Beer Sheva up to Lehavim and then down over to Shani and then back to the starting point we have an area that got lots of good rainfall. That is important because now they are above the seasonal average and as some of you guys know, this area produces a lot of domestic and wild barley growing together. To date it has all been much more immature than in some other regions of the Land. But lets see how the more arid climate here influences the growth rate of the grains.

The first photo from Limorno captured my heart so to speak. It is one of my favorite areas in the Jordan Valley south of Gesher. Some nice hiking trials are located there. The winter green of the countryside is something I can almost smell from memory as I look at it.

Evgeny decided to add a closeup without knowing about the other picture. In his, you can see the goat grass growing nicely and the cows feeding on it. It will be interesting to see which one of the Land based individuals use goat grass to proclaim the start of their year in the months ahead.

Actually, based on when they all went last year (over the course of 3 months) their is a leading candidate in the north for sure. But, you never know.

Our peace we give to you.


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