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Sunday December 3, 2023

Brian Convery

Good Morning Folks, Thank you for loving Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ. Thank you for setting aside so many of the traditions of men to answer Fathers calling unto His Son. And thank you for being diligent in proving all things as you follow the Lamb of Fathers Household wherever He goes.

We have once again begun the yearly growth cycle of barley in the Promised Land. For some of you this will be your first run through it, and for some it is dozens of times. For you newbies in this cycle, not to fret, for we have several decades of actual reports of our inspections on the website ( for you to catch up on it all, if you so desire.

The cycle started this past month with the wild and domestic barley germinating in locations around the Land. Domestic barley is easy to figure out and follow as there are only a couple of strains of it and they are all planted in good soils that have been tilled, broken down, and leveled as Isaiah instructs us.

Isaiah 28:23-26 Give ear and hear my voice, listen and hear my speech. Does the plowman keep plowing all day to sow? Does he keep turning his soil and breaking the clods? When he has leveled its surface, does he not sow the black cummin and scatter the cummin, plant the wheat in rows, the barley in the appointed place, and the spelt in its place? For His Elohim teaches and instructs him in making right judgments.

A right judgment is we use barley for Biblical purposes from good ground which can be tilled, broken up, and leveled for sowing and planting to take place and thus a good harvest. That is a Biblical agricultural judgment from our Elohim. Imagine that. Just in time for some who visit our posts and do otherwise.

Wild barley is a different story in many ways from its domesticated sister. There are many dozens of identified different strains of it growing in many different and often diverse locations in the Promised Land. That has proven to be a stumbling block to many who have attached themselves to the Biblical Abib Calendar here at the end of the age when knowledge will increase and many will run to and fro seeking it in vain.

Some who promote the use of wild barley from unacceptable locations are all glitter and no substance, just like the Christmas tree season we find ourselves in at this time. Jeremiah 10:1-5 and Deuteronomy 12:29-32. Do you know one of the frauds celebrates Christmas. Can’t make such things up folks.

So let us have a short but informative talk about wild barley growing in the Promised Land.

Did you know there were so many genetically distinct strains of it there? That catches some by surprise. If you have not considered the importance of that you may after reading this. For instance, one strain is found predominantly on west facing hillsides while another is on east facing ones and yet another on south facing ones. Then there are those which only exist on the lower portions of all of these hillside locations and it goes on and on. You can google studies done on all of this if you like reading Journals about such research. I happen to like that stuff.

Over our decades of inspections, we have shown quite a few of them and their characteristics to a specific location in our report’s pictures. It has been a wonderful education in separating right from wrong, just like clean from unclean foods were, when we first encountered the truth about that subject. I personally have divided the wild barley into two categories: those that are acceptable and those that are unacceptable for considering the First of a Firstfruits holy Wavesheaf Offering and thus the witness to the start of the Biblical new year, the transition from winter to summer.

Acceptable wild barley is found in good soils and locations that are tillable as Isaiah states above. That is a very simple and easy instruction for all to follow if they do not have a hidden agenda or if they are not prone to spiritual stupor. These soils are rich in nutrient content and a balance of soil components or structure which allows them to retain moisture from the rains from heaven. Very important. (Deuteronomy 11:10-12) This produces a very balanced growing foundation for all grains. Many of these locations are used to seed and grow domesticated grains. And in many instances the wild and domestic sisters can be found growing together.

On the other hand, we have the wild barley strains which are found in specific locations that do not have the Biblical characteristics present for growing an agricultural crop of grain. These unacceptable locations produce what I call “goat grass.” The land of Israel contains vast acreages of these types or strains growing on rock strewn hillsides and flat sandy soil areas. In all cases these locations produce an anemic barley plant of little stature and thin in all its components. The barley growing in these areas is, and has been, used for millennia for grazing livestock, just as scripture also instructs us.

These soils located here do not hold moisture for very long. This requires that more consistent rain fall on them to achieve a normal growth rate cycle as defined in Zadoks growth scale. If the rain is intermittent or if it ceases the barley moves into a very rapid development stage putting all the remaining moisture and nutrients into seed production. We have showed you many pictures of the result of that. Heads that have only a few seeds in them on thin a short stalks. It is a pattern that some do not understand. When the early rains drop on it, it awakens from its sleep and germinates just like the barley found in good soils. The vast majority of these types in poor soils experience a very unbalanced growth cycle as mentioned earlier. The soils shed water very quickly.

Then we have what we call transition areas of wild barley. They are found in areas between unacceptable soil locations and those that are acceptable. These areas also hold many of the inferior strains which do not possess the characteristics of barley acceptable for a First of the Firstfruits Grain Wavesheaf Offering. These locations have become a stumbling block to many who are drawn to the Biblical Calendar. It is here where some of the wild strains can grow to a bigger state than these mentioned above because these transition zones have better soil but, it is not tillable soil that can be plowed, broken up and leveled in preparation to be sown. These locations still produce a barley plant which is greatly blemished and once again unacceptable for a holy offering. Thus, two Biblical criteria strokes against them. That is a simple Biblical fact which some folks can’t or won’t accept. Would you offer a three-legged lamb for a Passover sacrifice. No, you would not for scripture forbids it. That is a blemished lamb. That principle and statute applies to all the holy offerings. Thus, no blemished barley is acceptable. Leviticus 22 is a place to start if you are not aware of these statutes.

But all hope for the wild strains is not lost. You have often seen our pictures of wild barley growing above its sister the domesticated barley in good soil locations. You are accustomed to us referring to them as the two sister witnesses to the timing of the acceptable First of the Firstfruits Wavesheaf Grain Offering. Domesticated and wild barley growing in harmony and in balance. Quite a beautiful picture when we understand that our Elohim use such things in creation to teach us about Their Plan of Salvation. Yes, a spiritual reality likened to it. Both of these sisters have a total of 14 chromosomes. That comes from 7 pairs or sets of 2 chromosomes each, thus the total of 14. They have father (male) and mother (female) chromosomes. Thus, they are self-pollinating. The difference between them is domestic barley has non-shattering spikes due to a mutation in one of the linked genes BT1-BT2. It is more oval than wild barley not having the length to width dimensions of the wild. Wild barley has brittle spikes which ensures seed dispersal. A fascinating spiritual lessen in all of that.

At this time of writing a lot of the domestic seed which has been sown has germinated with the early rains of last month. It is located in good acceptable ground in three major grain growing regions in the Land. A lot of self-seeded wild barley found with it has also germinated. They will experience the same growth cycle together. All good and balanced if in fact the rains from heaven continue as they normally do in most regions. Remember He says He will never leave nor forsake us.

Some of you will remember that many years ago we started reporting on a “red strain” of wild barley. At least that is the name I gave it. We began noticing and recording where we encountered this amazing strain. It was always more mature than the other strains around it growing in the same soil. It was taller, thicker stalked, and had bigger heads and seeds. Each seed has red streaks running down it. That was very inspiring to me. I look at it as the primary strain I should look for in good soils. To me it is the spiritual reality and representation of our Savior who shed His blood for us. This barley contains a representation of both of His roles in Fathers Household. The Wavesheaf and the blood of the Lamb. However, that is personal to me and I do not expect others to see it as such.

When we find this strain growing with the domesticated barley during our inspections prior to the end of the 12th month we have found the ultimate location to watch for a First of the Firstfruit Wavesheaf Offering during the days of UB. At times it is ready at the end of the 12th month and at times it will not be for a number of days yet. If it would not be ready to qualify for the this most holy offering in the upcoming month then it would have heads with undeveloped seeds showing no red streaks. Too immature yet. That is a pattern and a reality. Some folks making a living from promoting the Abib Calendar have botched this one immensely. They have promoted a fake red strain from goat grass locations to seduce some away from their spiritual husband. The same old story written throughout the First marriage Covenant scriptures.

There are also a few other strains which grow to great stature and seed size amongst the domestic barley as well. There are lots of pictures of them in the reports as well. All very healthy blemish free wild barley which can and is used as a witness for the start of the Biblical new year with the change from winter to summer.

So, as we move through the barley growing cycle once again, which we call the Abib Growth Cycle, please keep your focus on the 2 barley sisters growing in good acceptable locations.

Attached are two photos from two of the primary grain growing regions in Israel. The first from the upper Jordan Valley just north of its intersection with the Jezreel Valley and then the north side of the Central region. You old timers are familiar with the both. The grains in each are well past germination. Don’t forget, wheat and barley have the same growth cycle lengths based on Zadoks scale. Ninety days in perfect conditions from germination to kernel hard for harvesting.

However, there is never a perfect meteorological cycle, at least not yet anyway.

Our peace we give to you.


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