Abib of God Elohim
2022 Abib Reports Prior to February
Monday January 31, 2022
Hi Folks,
We are hoping you got the week off to a good start yesterday. More rain and snow going to hit the Land today. The North, in and around Mt. Hermon, has now set records for the amount of snowfall received.
The rains, which much of the country has received in January, are also setting local records in many areas.
Our first picture is representative of those from all over the country except for the deep south and the Lower Jordan Valley. Neither of these areas are grain producers.
Matthew asked a question about identifying wild oats in the picture below which we posted a few days back. Good question. Here is the photo again and following it is a photo of a lone wild oat stalk with pods bowing with domestic grain behind it.
Look at the oats and then look above the anemone on the right in the photo of the flowers (anemones) and wild barley. Oats looks very different from barley when it starts to emerge from the boot and then on through maturity. It has multiple pod sacks instead of a single head. Just like wild barley it bows before its Creator.
To date we have not seen any wild barley or domestic exiting the boot (which is the swollen stalk where the head is made prior to leaving its dark/concealed stage [aphiyl #648] into the light.)
Let us not forget an important pattern at this time. When we get an abundance of rain during these current stages of growth in the grains they will put a lot of production into growing big. The leaves will grow large and the stalks will grow thick and tall. That puts off head production by as much as 2 weeks as opposed to receiving normal amounts of rainfall in a season.
Sunday January 30, 2022
Today is a day of reminiscing for me. Evgeny sent out a couple of pictures which brought up lots of memories and some forlorning. Hard to come to grips with the fact we may never get back to the Land in this life time based on all the new requirements the world is focused on.
Some of you will recognize this stretch of road in the Upper Jordan Valley. It was always the quickest way to get back to our favorite falafel shop in Beit Shaun.
This is a classic picture of the beautiful countryside in the Upper Jordan Valley in winter. For many of you it is difficult to believe winter can be so lush and green. But that is just one of the special characteristics of this area of the world at this time of year.
But, lots to talk about in this picture. Notice even the roadside barley is very young and is looking very healthy this year because of the amount of moisture still being contained in these stony areas.
We also have domestic grain growing along the right side of this corridor from the North to the South. However look at the hillsides which are used for grazing cattle, sheep, and horses in this area. That is all wild barley and wild oats. In this region the wild barley is more abundant than the wild oats. Probably in the range of 80% to 20%.
Sitting here I can smell the distinct smells of this area which we have been blessed to do for so many years. But onward Christian soldiers for we are in a war.
The next two pictures speak to us of the uniformity of the growing conditions in the Upper Jordan Valley and the NW Negev this year for both the domestic and the wild grains.
The first one is from the Be'eri/Ruhama region of the NW Negev. Notice the stage the wild barley is in and then look beyond it at its cousin the domestic grain.
Now compare this with the picture from the Upper Jordan Valley. Zoom in and you will see the same stage of growth in both the wild and the domestic varieties as is in the South.
When we witness these similar growth patterns and stages at the end of January it makes for an easy year to understand the timing of things in place in creation. All we need to do is just be patient and stand still and watch the power and the will of our Elohim take place.
Just think, approximately only 32 days until the end of this Biblical Years 12th month. What a blessing to be aware of such things and what a privilege to be a part of it all.
Our peace we give to you!
Sabbath January 29, 2022
Good Morning and Happy Sabbath!
We have entered the time of the flag leaf production in much of the grain crop in Israel. At least in all the traditionally early locations. Those are to be found in the lower elevations of the valleys, and coastal plain, and the NW Negev. The higher elevations have a later maturing process as we have demonstrated over the years of inspections in the Land.
Bridget has sent over some of the photos she has been viewing and I have included one of them here first. This is the area of the Jezreel Valley which we have been following with lots of pictures this year.
Notice the uniformity in this domestic grain. The soils here are very good and free of a lot of stone. We can see this stage of growth in both the domestic and the wild grain varieties in all the lower elevations.
For those who may not be familiar with it, there are seven different climatic growing elevations in Israel. Probably not a coincidence that there are seven weeks allotted for the first grain harvest. All things done decently and in order.
Our second picture is from the Be'eri area of the NW Negev. The anemones are just beginning to pop up in numbers which can't go unnoticed. Once again, they are right on time to declare the timing of the winter season. The festival dedicated to them will begin next month in the South.
In this picture notice the flag leaves in the young wild barley. But, also notice the lone pioneer of wild oats out of the boot hovering above the flowers. You can see its green "pods" hanging from the stem. In the next few weeks the main thrust of the wild oats in this area will repeat this process of emerging from the "boot" and then that will continue across the country for at least another month based on elevation and meteorological conditions.
So for the next couple of weeks we should be seeing lots of pictures of this 4th stage in Zadoks growth cycle. It is simply called the boot stage/cycle. After that (and mixed in towards the end of it) we get to witness stage number 5 which is the head emergence stage.
Once again, simply do the math associated with Zadoks scale and the corresponding timing of the 12th month of this current Biblical year and we can draw some very accurate conclusions so we are not caught unawares and can thus give an answer for the hope which is in us.
In looking forward to the later end of February we may start to see a few of the other 9 witnesses to the timing of the winter switching to summer in the Land.
Our Peace we give to you.
Thursday January 27, 2022
Hi Folks,
It is time to leave the snow for a while and review a photo from the Jordan Valley north of the Jezreel Valley and Beit Shaun.
It comes to us compliments of Evgeny. He will probably be taking more pictures of this location from one angle or another in the month to come.
You may want to save this one for comparison with future photos from this location. The container towers are the landmark.
This area grows a lot of wild barley and wild oats as well of lots of weed varieties for it is unmaintained ground.
In this photo you can see the different heights of all 3 above. This is probably the most mature representation of the wild barley and oats in the Land as of today. This location has received a good amount of rain but only a limited amount of sunshine compared to most years. Obviously that is due to the exceptional amount of cloudy days this cycle.
What is important to note is that this area around Gesher is approximately 700 feet below sea level. This is a growing area that is different from many others in the Land. What makes it different is its elevation. It is way down below the mountain ridges and in the middle of them. This creates a green house effect of sorts which is very conducive to agriculture if there is enough moisture in the soil.
We have addressed this often in the past but it is important we keep it in focus. To date this area, running to just south of the Jezreel Valley to Mehola, is at pace with or ahead of the traditionally early barley fields of the South, in specific the NW Negev.
With that said, you also know from the reporting to date that even the most advanced locations are still very young. Israel is in for more rainy and snowy weather for the next few days. What that means is more cloud cover and colder nights. That mixture puts off normal growth rates in the grain crops.
Once again, patterns to remember for future years, especially if the information is limited coming out of the Land. The correlation of all the meteorological conditions: rain, sunshine, cold, warm, etc. educate us to the growth rate in the grain crops from year to year. If you learn to observe them when we have many defining pictures throughout the cycle of the year you will be able to establish a very good pattern to follow if you don't have the flow of pictures we now currently enjoy.
It just takes paying attention through one cycle. For those of you who have had experience working in the dirt with your plants and trees from year to year, you know how easily this can be done. It becomes second nature to predict how much or how little your plants will grow and mature based on weather conditions.
You are an attentive and observant farmer then with your eye and hope on the eventual harvest and thus you can plan accordingly even if you do not know the actual day, but you will know the approximate week.
Apply that to your spiritual farming knowledge.
Always good to make hay while the sun is shinning!
Our Peace we give to you!
Thursday January 27, 2022
Good Morning Folks,
If you have not seen any of the pictures of last nights snow accumulations in Jerusalem here are a few in this JP article.
Wednesday January 26, 2022
Good Morning Folks,
Israel is beginning to sound like winter in Western NY State. Will keep you all posted.
Monday January 24, 2022
Well that didn't take long.
Hi Folks,
The next snow storm started in the north and is moving south in the higher elevations. It will be turning to rain tonight in the Central part of the country and will also reach some of the South.
Picture number one: Not much need for snow tires but when there is!
Picture two: The early bird anemones in the South by Nir Moshe are saying "bring on the rain." The young wild barley surrounding them is in agreement.
Sabbath January 22, 2022
Happy Sabbath!
Here we have a photo of "The Tree" from January 8th and then from today January 22.
Just a little amount of change as will be the case for the next 7-10 days. That is due to the weather conditions during this stage of growth which is usually very rapid.
Sabbath January 22, 2022
Good morning to the Called of Father and Happy Sabbath to you all.
We have some very good illustrative pictures for you today which tell us where we are in the grain growth cycle around the country.
Let's start in the Jordan Valley just north of the Jezreel Valley with two of Evgeny's pictures from this morning.
In the first one you can see what the wild oats and barley look like growing in the pasture lands there. You can see the wild oats being more advanced than the wild barley growing amongst it. Please remember this pattern for it is a marker in creation which repeats itself each and every year. It guides us so we can't be led astray as to the timing of the wild barley and domestic barley.
Notice the wild oats here is clearly showing its flag leaf. It is well into the stage 3 of Zadoks scale just as it should be with the meteorological conditions so far this year.
In his second picture you can identify the patches of wild oats growing among the larger sections of wild barley. The oats are much taller. A nice panoramic view of sorts.
Also notice this ground is unacceptable for taking a wavesheaf offering from due to the fact it is not tillable ground. Too much stone in the soil. These areas always mature faster in the later part of their growth cycle as opposed to the grains growing in acceptable stone free and tillable areas. We have addressed all the reasons why over the years in the reports from the Land.
Now lets jump to the South. We have two photos for you from the Western Negev from 2 different locations.
The first is from the Ruhama area. It is just into stage 3 of Zadoks. This is typical of almost all the domestic grain in the W/N as well as the wild barley. But not all.
The next photo from this morning is near Kibbutz Shoval, which is just south of Beit Kama Junction and just west of Route 6. Many of you are familiar with this area and its soil types from participating in past inspections in Israel.
It is very sandy soil here. And here is another pattern to absorb in this process. The grains in sandy soils always spring up quickly through the first 3 growth stages if they have adequate moisture in the soil.
Notice that we can see flag leafs in many of the plants. But also notice the varying ages of growth just in this one photo. That too is indicative of sandy and stony soils in Israel.
With that said this is the most advanced grain we have seen this growth cycle. Of course at this point we can't determine if it is wheat or barley. As most of you know the growth cycle is almost identical in both of them. That is why we speak about them as "grains" this early in the cycle.
You old timers also know we report on the process in wheat through maturity for there are some folks who also use that in their determinations. Of course that does not sit well with some of the great ones who try to hijack the Abib Calendar for their own purposes. They have had a tendency over the years to mock us when we report on wheat. Imagine that.
It is our function to attempt to be all things to all people in the actual pursuit of information relevant to the Abib Calendar so they can use it as they wish in making their own personal determinations as to when the winter ends and the new year starts in the Land.
The grain pictured here in Shoval will run into difficulties if the area does not receive a good quantity of rain. That is a known fact to those who plant it here. Why plant it then? A good question and another important thing to remember.
Much of this grain; be it barley or wheat, will be cut for silage to feed to the dairy cows at one of the big milk producing facilities in the Western Negev. Once it gets to the actual point of physiological maturity regardless of the moisture content it is cut. We have spoken to and illustrated that process often over the years. That allows for a shorter growth time to cut it. In many years that can be the difference of 2-3 weeks from what our requirements are.
We must also acknowledge the impact that the current sustained cold spell is having on the growth cycle all over the country. It has slowed down the recognizable Zadok stages of growth a lot. It will continue to do so up through next weekend if the long range forecast is correct. That will put us almost into February which is a short month in actual days. Once again, do the simple math on days needed to mature to Aviv status.
The 12 month year Linda and I, and many of you, are personally keeping will come to an end on either March 3rd or 4th. Unless something dramatically takes place the barley will be many weeks short of reaching its Biblically defined state of Aviv. That is why we continue to watch the cycle and not just walk away and say to ourselves it is a done deal. We wait on our Elohim.
Thursday January 20, 2022
Hi Folks,
To the prognosticators of it does not snow south of Jerusalem, sorry to pop your bubble. And no, these are not fake pictures. And yes, all south of Jerusalem in the Judean Hills.
I promise I will not send out any more pictures of snow in many places in Israel until the next snow event.
And no, the Biblical new year will not be starting with the next new moon, and probably won't with the one after that. However, we wait on our Elohim to make that very clear. So, in the meantime we follow the signs in the Land and be vigilant in doing so.
Our peace we give to you.
Thursday January 20, 2021
Eyal posted a beautiful video capturing the winter in the Golan today. Enjoy!
Thursday January 20, 2022
There are so many pictures of the snow in the Land we will just include two of them here. The softer look at winter snows.
Very cold nights for the next week at least stretching from the north into the southern Negev.
Wednesday January 19, 2022
Updated rainfall numbers...
Wednesday January 19, 2022
Hi Folks,
Hananya has posted a classic winter scene from Israel. Some who have been following this years pictorial of the grain growing cycle in the Land have been shocked there is such a thing as snow falling in Israel.
We hope you enjoy watching this short video of the Mount Hermon snow/ski center.
Tonight there may be some snow flakes in the Jerusalem area. For sure there will be accumulations to the north of it. This all taking place at this time during the growth cycle simply tells us, it is being slowed down. And who is in control of the meteorological conditions and events?
There are some who have taken to mocking us posting all of the weather conditions affecting the rate of growth of this years grain crops in the Land. Imagine that.
Ignorance is truly bliss, but still ignorance all the same. Of the ones I am aware of their preferred method of determining the Month of Abib is to wait for a magic, unseen moment in time, 2000 miles south of Jerusalem.
Good luck with that one and all the best in your efforts.
Tuesday January 18, 2022
Here is the IMS summary of the cold in Israel. These sheep are not amused.
Neither are the folks all the way down south in Be'eri.
And then there is the domestic grain down there singing shiver me timbers. Were is the heat?
Monday January 17, 2022
Hi Folks,
For you almond lovers here is a picture from the tree folks in Israel. As they so accurately note, the very first blossoms are starting to show in several regions in Israel.
The main show will not be visible for several more weeks and what a sight it is to see in the Land. It will then continue for upwards of a month.
We hope you have been following the devastating weather which has hit Israel these past few days. The rains have slowed down for the most part but Hermon is still getting snow.
The entirety of the country will be experiencing a heavy frost tonight, and many areas after that for a few more nights. Everything has received the signal from the Elohim to slow down their growth cycle if we have eyes to see.
The Be'eri area is now back up to normal with rainfall. As many of you know this is the heart of what we call barley alley. It is a late start for that region. All these very young plants there need now is some sustained warm weather: both during the days and nights. However, that combination is a week or so off according to the weather prophets.
Anemones are starting to pop up in some of their traditionally early areas in the NW Negev.
These are all patterns we follow each and every year as we witness what is in store for the timing of the Month of Abib, not the day of Abib. We hope you are all gaining that understanding and recording them for future years uses.
Sunday January 16, 2022
And lets not forget the snow!
Sunday January 16, 2022
Weather Update: lots of flooding in multiple areas of the north central part of Israel this weekend. Be sure to click on the photo to see the rain totals for various regions from this weekends storms.
Sabbath January 15, 2022
Good Morning and Happy Sabbath! Here are some photos that are about a week old from Lakhish which according to Brian is grape growing country as well and very stony. This area is way under their normal rain average to date, but that may be changing with the storm now in progress.
Friday January 14, 2022
Happy Preparation Day!
We hope your week has, or is, wrapping up well with our focus turning more to the upcoming rest.
This morning we have a little quiz. As you can see I have copied Zadoks stages 2 and 3 for grains growth stages in their annual growth cycle below. All the grains we inspect in the Land follow the exact same cycle of growth with all the traditionally early domestic and wild grain locations following closely to one another. In many years the actual timing is also quite close.
We have demonstrated this often in the past 2 decades as part of the patterns we look for in determining the end of winter and start of summer in the Land which our Elohim never takes His eyes off of from the very beginning of the year to the very end of the year (Deut. 11:10-12).
The two stages listed below are what is present across the entirety of the country. That is inclusive of all the domestic grains; be they winter wheat or barley, and wild barley, and for that matter wild oats the forerunner to the wild barley. Everything is in either stage 2 or the very early part of 3.
Notice the days of growth associated with each of these stages. We have been showing you all pictures of specific fields for much longer than 15 to 30 days. Yet the plants have not matured past stage 2 for the most part, and some locations the early part of stage 3.
This is important to understand. Meteorological conditions are what influence this along with the type of soil the grain is growing in.
So with the best case scenario according to the growth chart we are 60 days away from the earliest fields being ready. Please remember that is in a perfect world of growing conditions.
Now do the math and where does it take you in the Gregorian Calendar?
Now add to this the known weather/meteorological conditions which are currently affecting the Land today and for the next week at a minimum duration. The heavy rains started yesterday afternoon and are continuing today and into the next few days off and on. Then add to this the coldest temperatures of the year are coming this weekend and into the most of next week with temperatures in Jerusalem hovering around 1 below or 1-3 degrees above freezing.
That cold will affect the entirety of the Land in relative terms.
Zadok’s Code:
Principal stage Secondary stage Description
Tillering (15 days)
2 .0 Main shoot only
.1 Main shoot plus one tiller visible
.2 Main shoot plus two tillers
.3 Main shoot plus three tillers (16-23 days)
.4 Main shoot plus four tillers
.5 Main shoot plus five tillers
Stem Elongation (16-31 days)
3 .1 First node detectable
.2 Second node detectable (16-31 days)
.3 Third node detectable
.7 Flag leaf just visible
.9 Flag leaf collar just visible (38-39 days)
So, lets look at a healthy field of domestic grain which we have been following in photos this cycle from just south of the Jezreel Valley. A big thanks to Yifat for these beautiful pictures in time for our use. Don't forget the stone content in this soil.
You will also notice the field has received its first spraying. That is what the tire marks are from.
Almost every plant has reached and just passing the main shoot plus 5 tillers. These are really good shots which provide us with a very good time line in the growth scale from Zadok.
Now a special treat for some of you old timers who have walked through the Land with us in past years. These last two shots are from the public parkland set aside just south of Be'eri. Such great memories flooded in when I saw them, and hope the same for you as well.
Notice how young the wild oats are in the first photo. The wild barley is dwarfed by their wild cousin who usually are around 3 weeks earlier to maturity in this area, as you past inspectors know. Once again do the math.
Then we have our runner stopping for a close up of the first and probably the only anemone she has seen that day. It is still awaiting its peddles to open. But notice the young wild grain around it.
Once again this year the domestic and wild grains are in harmony as to the growing cycle. Wonderful to see.
Happy Sabbath to all!
Thursday January 13, 2022
Hi Folks,
Here is the IMS weather report for the next 6-7 days. Lots of rain and very cold temperatures, the coldest of the season will start next week.
Please follow along with the effects this will have on the traditionally early maturing barley areas we monitor around the country.
These next two weeks of the growing season will speak volumes to us about this years timing of acceptable aviv barley. I think we will post one of our articles on Biblical Agricultural Principles later today or tomorrow for those who have never had the opportunity to read about them.
Wednesday January 12, 2022
Good afternoon to you all.
There are so many pictures floating around out of season these days on the internet we thought we would show you a few of them with explanations so you don't get caught up in some of the insanity. The folks posting them have no agenda, but some folks looking at them try to represent them as something they are not.
You have been seeing photos of "the tree" standing alone in the rolling hills of grain in the NW Negev. So lets look at it again.
The first picture is from last week.
The second picture is from today a few hours ago.
All is looking good with very young domestic grain. Now look what showed up yesterday. Please take a good look at it. You will see wild mustard towering above the already 18 inch grain. And, oh yes, please do not forget the heads of wild barley bowing at the base of the photo.
For the record this picture was taken last year but just posted yesterday. So please use the patterns you are learning here to distinguish such things for there are some who actually run with this stupid stuff.
Now lets look at the one that takes the cake for being over the top out of season, even though it was posted 2 days ago for the NW Negev. Yes, this is domestic two row barley. Actually it is a beautiful sight. However, very out of season.
So when you are surfing looking for pictures try to set up a few areas to key in on so when a picture that is being recycled from a prior time comes up you will note it immediately for it being so different from what has been the norm to date.
With the way things are going this year we expect a lot of fake info to start surfacing during February. Are you all aware some folks have kept 3 intercalated years in a row claiming they have found acceptable aviv grade barley in February?
The scripture is so true that we are all to seek out our own salvation.
Tuesday January 11, 2022
Hi Folks,
We hope your week is going well. Not much new to report so we have included two pictures of wild barley and oats from the area just south of the Jezreel valley as the first one.
Then another with our favorite barley sniffing dog in the south at Be'eri. He is content to sit in the solitude of his find.
As you can all the wild barley is very young but looking very healthy around the country.
We then have a picture of discovery by two little ones of their first anemone in the South. Something very special about such things. It is wonderful to see families expose their children to such wonders in creation.
Sabbath January 8, 2022
Happy Sabbath to All!
Here are some pictures for your records and enjoyment.
The first two are from the middle of the country just above the Coastal Plain. You are familiar with this area from pictures previously posted. Here we are no doubt looking at Yifat saying enough of the rain for a while. The ground is saturated and has been for the better part of a month with its obvious effects.
Are you newcomers to the growth cycle seeing what lots of rain does to the grain in its early stages? All the tillers are growing thick and lush. As the rains slow down so will that process and then the main stem (or two at times) will start their skyward thrust. But for now it all looks like grass.
The next three pictures are of the NW Negev from Sima. Pictures speak volumes to us if we have all the facts
surrounding them. Here we see the results of the South finally getting rain. The soils are moist and the seeds that were in already are reacting beautifully.
Note all the ground just recently worked for planting. This region should be getting more rain today and the farmers are very happy to get it.
When looking at these pictures notice the different colored soils between the first one and the next two. That is important in the growth process. That is telling us what areas recently received more rain than others. However, today's rains should cover a broader area in the South, at least we are hoping so. Be'eri and Re'im are doing okay, but they could use a little more at the moment.
As you old timers to all this know, that is where many of the traditionally early fields are located.
Thursday January 6, 2022
Once again good morning folks,
We have several photos which are very instructive for us.
The first two are shared with us from an apprentice barley inspector. She has a great amount of zeal for this
undertaking. Please note that she is making the effort to cover this entire location very quickly. However, something interesting has caught her attention and slowed the pace.
No doubt she is making the effort to determine the extent of this fields tillering and when stem elongation will start. Her foray yesterday was in the NW Negev.
The tillering in this domestic grain field is looking really good with very healthy grain. But, it is still tillering. Refer to the Zadoks Scale for what comes next in its future.
Then we have a photo sent in from the Bertlings. Thank you! It is a very good example of what the upper Jordan Valley south of the Sea of Galilee looks like. We do believe it originates with our favorite photographer from that area: Evgeny.
Look at the contrasting details here. You can see the hilly terrain is used for grazing and is covered in young wild oats and barley (note the barbed wire fencing strands). The Biblical grasses for grazing sheep and cattle types. It covers all the areas not acceptable for tilling/plowing.
There appears to be an orange grove in the picture as well as lots of vegetables planted in rows and being mini-green housed with plastic canopies. That is a standard method of starting peppers and tomatoes in the Jordan Valley agricultural areas.
This area also produces cucumbers and many other table vegetables. But, they are only grown in tillable areas which we have enjoyed walking through and around many times. To the south of Mehola they are grown in large greenhouses and heavily irrigated fields for that is where the arid area of the Jordan Valley starts and runs all the way to Eilat.
We are hoping our apprentice inspector will keep us posted on her future journeys. And thanks for sending in the pictures you folks find in your pursuit of recording the grain growing season in Israel in photographic evidences.
Wednesday January 5, 2022
Good Morning Folks,
We are hoping you have made it through the insanity of "tis the season" and are being blessed with the calling of Father as you follow His command to grow in favor, acceptance and knowledge.
Lots of stuff this morning. Let's start with a picture from Evgeny (who Brenda says never disappoints) from the area of the Jordan Valley north of Beit Shaun and south of the Sea of Galilee.
It is obvious to see the winter greening of Israel spreading its wings in this region. In this particular field we have
both wild oats and barley moving into the initial stages of stem elongation just as they should be under all the meteorological conditions so far this year there. Keep in mind in wet winters this are can produce both barley and oats that reach above my head and I am 5'10".
Zoom in and you will see patches that are taller than some of their other green brethren. These are wild oats which are about 10 days ahead of the young barley in this location. Also please keep in mind this is a grazing area due to the amount of big rocks embedded throughout, thus the distinct ups and downs in it. Thus, it is unacceptable for a location of a wavesheaf but certainly illustrates the growth process we look for in the ground which can and is tillable.
Our next 3 pictures are from Dana and show us the amazing quickness of the domestic grain crops greening up after the rains in the NW Negev. These are the badlands just to the east of what we call barley alley. There should be enough moisture in this soil to now bring these fields up through the stem elongation stage of Zadok's Scale.
And now we have a picture from Besor. As some of you who have been there will remember this is the area just east of the junction of 232 and 241. This is a parkland area set aside because of its unique features located alongside agricultural fields. Lots of little sand dunes and sparse vegetation surrounded by a sea of green at times.
The creek has water in it for the first time since last May. This is good news for the traditionally early locations of acceptable barley growing just to the north of it at Re'im and that surrounding area.
We will keep you posted on the traditionally early locations as the winter season progresses.
Monday, January 3, 2022
Good Morning to All!
Attached is the IMS summary of rain for the month of December. You will notice it is what we have been reporting for the same time period. Lots of rain in the North, Coastal Plain, and parts of the Galilee.
The rain dramatically decreased as you near Negba. If you draw a line across the country from Ashdod to a little north of Jerusalem the areas south of that are experiencing big deficits in rain this year compared to the long term averages.
That changed a bit with the rains there over the past few days but they are still in deficits.
With this said please notice in the pictures we have been posting from the various grain growing areas that regardless of the conditions all the domestic and wild are in the tillering stage based on the Zadok Scale definition of it. They are about to enter the stem elongation stage of growth here this week as we see it from our experience in the Land.
This stage is a critical one as to the timing of the plants maturity. It is very weather sensitive.
For instance if it gets a lot of rain the plant will put a lot of energy into growing a much thicker and taller stem/stalk. That extends the timing of this stage and puts off the maturing process of the stages to follow.
Cold temperatures also slow down this stage of growth.
Please refer to the Zadok Scale at the head of this site. You can enlarge it and we hope you have a copy of it made if you do not yet have one. It is a wonderful guide to the stages of growth in both domestic and wild barley.
So, here we are in January awaiting the 3rd growth stage to commence. We will attempt to retrieve pictures from around the country displaying this during the next few weeks. Should be lots of fun.
Remember if you are collecting your own photos and wish to share any with the rest of the folks send them over to us and we will get back with you about them and possibly post them.
Sunday January 2, 2022
Good morning all, here is a summary of the IMS rainfall reports we've been tracking since Dec 1, 2021. Have a great week!
Sunday January 2, 2022
Good Morning Folks,
The IMS has updated their rain totals through December so Bridget will once again be posting her chart year to date for your use.
Below you are seeing some photo's from yesterday from one of our favorite hikers in the Land. She is out and about daily it seems.
The first and second are good depictions of the wild grain timing in this region south of the Jezreel Valley.
The next two are of domestic from the same region. Notice they have once again started their growth cycle losing a lot of the brown curl of dormancy. It will be interesting to see when the colder weather hits to once again slow the process down, if in fact it does arrive.
What is important about these photos of domestic and wild from this region is the simple fact they are proceeding through the Zadok Scale of growth stages at the same pace.
We will be posting photos from the South this week as well so you can witness what the rains finally hitting there do to the domestic and wild grains as well.
Sabbath January 1, 2022
Hi Folks,
Here is just one of the many stories with video popping up from the ongoing storm in the South. Winter in Israel. Click the image to read the article from timesofisrael.com.
Friday December 31, 2021
Hi Folks, and we hope you are having a good prep day if you are on this side of the sunset from Israel at this time of posting.
We have been reviewing a lot of pictures this week and when I came to the first one here below it stopped me for a while and I was compelled to bring to memory all the fine dining we did in Israel over 20 years. Those of you who have accompanied us there will no doubt remember our lunches with Pierre. What a graceful host he has been to all. And now, we are faced with the prospect of never being able to travel to Israel with the current set of requirements in place. May the Kingdom come.
Oh, my!
The second picture speaks it all about the North. Hermon is crowned with her winter glory.
The third picture is what Bridget calls the most photographed tree in Israel. Most of you folks are familiar with it for we use pictures from this location in Ruhama often to catalogue the grain cycle.
The fourth picture is of the same are.
The good news is the South is actually getting rain as I write and some good amounts in a few locations. It should continue through tomorrow. Then watch the grain green up.
We have been seeing quite a few recycled pictures from last year being posted recently. Don't be fooled by them, when you see fields of red anemones and wild barley out of the boot at this time you know something is up. Most of that is a month away. Linda has always loved seeing the South when it was a carpet of red everywhere. Something that is not easily forgotten.
Hope you all have a wonderful Sabbath rest.
December 29, 2021
Eyal has another beautiful winter video for us from the Land.
Sabbath December 25, 2021
Hi Folks,
We are hoping you are engulfed in the blessings of the Sabbath rest and refreshing. Won't it be wonderful when the reality of this physical rehearsal comes to fruition?
Here are the numbers for the rain totals up through the 22nd (Wednesday).
We will start recording the individual rain totals for the traditionally early locations of barley starting the end of the month and continue them up into March as is our pattern.
To date the North and Central Coastal areas have received a lot of rain in many locations. As you can see in the IMS daily report above some are well past the norm for this time in the Gregorian Year after having been lagging way behind a week or so back.
The first picture is of the winter wheat field area posted prior to the Carmel Winter Storm. It is sitting dormant at this time. It is a good illustration of many of the Biblical Agricultural principles associated with the grain growing cycle which are shared with domestic barley as well as wild barley in the Land. Once again notice the rocky soil which assists the growth spurts during colder months.
Compare these to the two pictures of the Northern Negev below and you see a stark difference. However, all the South needs is rain which the Elohim have withheld for the interim. They control all the meteorological events that produce the first mature barley crops in the Land. As the scripture says: "His eyes are on it from the very start of the year to the end of the year."
All we have to do is watch for what He is doing to influence the growth rate of this upcoming crop. We combine this with the other 9 Biblical witnesses in creation as to the change from winter to summer and then move on with that decision.
Lots to look forward to this cycle in the upcoming next two Gregorian months.
Thursday December 23, 2021
Good Morning Folks,
Here is an update on the Carmel winter storm from the IMS. It speaks to much of what we look for in the meteorological conditions around the country which affect the timing of the grain crops.
Refer back to all the information we have given and posted over the years as to what happens if too much or too little amounts of rain are present during the growth cycle. Then apply it to where we currently are in this cycle for the upcoming Biblical Year and it gives us a defined timeline based on current conditions.
Much of the coastal plain north of Negba and the Jezreel Valley locations are saturated. The South needs rain, as the IMS folks so accurately point out. A classic year is building for one of the Biblical scenarios. Keep watching the rain and the cold. Warm days can be a plus to growth, but if cold nights accompany them the rate is diminished and the length of the maturing cycle slowed.
Tuesday December 21, 2021
Good Morning Folks,
Some are curious about the grain plants going dormant in Israel after what we posted the other day.
Yes, they do go dormant in the South but not for all the same reasons as in the North or Galilee. The picture below was taken this past Sabbath not far from the Gaza border.
Notice many of the shoots are retracting and turning color just as those in the pictures previously posted from further north and also notice you don't see much if any tillering taking place. That is because those areas of the South need moisture to start the process to maturity once again.
The growers in that region are hoping for a good rain, soaking the soils, from the ongoing winter storm affecting Israel.
We suggest you keep a close eye on the Zadok Code on the site here for referencing as to the age of the fields you look at and then do the math as to how many days remain in the cycle to maturity under perfect growing conditions. Then add in a factor for poor growing days and you have a relatively good estimate for the early domestic.
As we demonstrated last year through this process with lots of pictures for evidence, many areas of wild barley growing in good soil have the exact same maturing time frame as their sister domestic barley plants, and for that matter their distant cousins the winter wheat.
Hope you are having fun following all of this on your own as well.
Monday December 20, 2021
Hi Folks,
Here are a couple of pictures from one of Bridget and Brenda's sites they follow. They are from the hill country between the Coastal Plain and the Jezreel Valley south of Mt. Carmel. For 5 straight days this past week it got rain each day. The one picture shows how saturated the soil is.
Also notice how stony the ground is. Please remember in stony ground grain grows quickly. That is pure agricultural science, as well as a biblical principle, which we have discussed often in the past. Please refer to the articles for a comprehensive explanation of it.
Also notice the size of the winter wheat. It is into the start of early tillering due to all the rain this region has received in the past 14 days.
Now, what do you see happening to many of the blades on each plant? They are turning brown. That will continue for some time now with the winter storm hitting the area hard today and tomorrow and the colder temperatures this region experiences this time of year.
This wheat is going into semi-dormancy, which shuts down the growth spurt. You grain farmers know this pattern well from your own growing experience. However, in Israel, it does not go completely dormant in these areas of the country. That holds true for the barley as well which is actually better designed to handle the cold temperatures as well as periods of drought.
The girls will be following this area to see when changes take place, as in the return to normal Zadok Scale growing stages.
Once again if any of you have similar sites you follow send over some photo's for others to learn from as well. Use the email address at the top of the site page.
Sunday December 19, 2021
Good Morning,
Here is what Israel is expecting up through Wednesday. It will be the most intense and severe weather for this winter to date. We will see if the weather prophets have it right. If they do the Negev will get some much needed rain even if it is unseasonably cold.
December 18, 2021
Here are some of Margo's photos from earlier today in the Ruhama Badlands. Pictures are worth a thousand words as the saying goes.
These domestic grains are just beyond germination and some still in that stage. This is in the NW Negev. Many of you are familiar with the area.
There is a lot of wild barley and oats located here as well. All the "badlands" sections are covered in it. This area year in and out produces a similar timing in all the different grains grown there: wild and domestic.
Sabbath December 18, 2021
Good Morning and Happy Sabbath!
Some are curious about the grain germinating in the NW Negev along the Gaza border.
The picture below is from yesterday afternoon near Beeri. Many of you past inspectors have traveled this road during our inspections. We call this entire region "barley alley" because of all the domestic and wild barley that grows there. It also is the home of a lot of wheat growing as well.
This particular area (Beeri) has only received 37% of the normal average of rain to date. But, the grain was planted and awaiting the rains of several weeks ago that finally fell there and you see the results on the domestic grain to the left in the photo. Also note the wild barley and oats on the roadside is also past germination.
Of course the "green house" effect of roadside plants is not used for the timing of the month of Abib, but nonetheless, it points out the early conditions to us in the growth cycle.
The rate of growth through the stages of Zadoks Scale will be determined by the amount of future rains and the amount of sunshine the plant receives.
This years cycle to date is later than what would be the norm, but there are still months to go before the grain crosses the finish line to being Aviv (physiologically able to reproduce itself) so lots can happen in the interim. The winter conditions ahead will "adjust" the timing and is important to follow and learn.
If any of you come up with some good photo's send them over with the details so we can source them out and they may be used here on the site. Remember, every part does its share in edifying the body.
Just added a photo from today of the Hula Valley and our favorite birding center in Israel at Agamon. Beautiful winter greens overtaking the landscape. For those of us living outside of the middle-east it can almost seem backwards compared to the norms of winter where we live.
Friday December 17, 2021
And then there is winter in the Northern Golan.
Such a small sliver of Land with such enormous contrasts.
Friday, December 17, 2021
Hi Folks and a Happy Sabbath to all!
From the northern Jordan Valley to the northern Negev, the Land is taking on her beautiful winter green colors.
There are lots of opportunities on the internet to view the start of the growing cycle in Israel. We hope you will take the time to do so and learn about the patterns of the different grain crops this year.
Thursday December 16, 2021
Good Morning Folks,
We hope you are enjoying the blessings of being called here at the end of the age and being able to give a true testimony of the hope that is in you when asked to do so.
Here is an update from the IMS which shows the Land has entered its winter patterns of rain and snow, and yes, sandstorms in the south. That is what winter looks like in Israel.
At the end of December we will put out an update for the 3 grain growing regions in Israel as to how much moisture they have received year to date and the prospects for the grain growth cycle in all three. Science is a wonderful thing when filtered through the word and patterns of the Elohim, because it is they who created all the components to do so.
If anyone has specific questions about this understanding you can email us at the address listed on the Facebook Page or the website.
Hope you have a peaceful and uplifting Sabbath rest to come.
Thursday December 9, 2021
Good Morning Folks,
We hope your week has been one filled with the favor and acceptance of Father and Son. Here is a link to the specific rain totals from around the Land. IMS Cumulative Rain Report.
In a simple summation: the early barley growing area's were shortchanged so to speak. No doubt that is with a specific purpose in mind for the growth cycle that we have entered for the upcoming year.
For instance, Negba received some decent rain but the area is still at less than 50% of what it normally averages for this date in the Gregorian Calendar. Most areas of the Negev "bread basket" have received far less.
In the North, at the confluence of the Jordan and Jezreel Valley's we have Sede Eliyyahu. It got some nice rain from this event but is still at only 56% of the average for this date.
Of course some regions in the North got huge amounts of rain which should help shortly to raise the level of the Sea of Galilee.
From what the IMS is stating there will be a longer lasting event next week possibly.
For you folks who are just getting up and running with all this information and the patterns associated with them as to barley growth in the Land here are a few things to watch.
If the growing areas receive too little rain the barley stocks remain small, conserving its growth potential for a later date at which time it needs to put all its energy into a last minute growth spurt to ensure it can fill out its head with seeds to reproduce itself and thus completing its life cycle for the year.
That usually result in a small crop with small seeds for there was not enough moisture in the soil to produce the normal amounts of starches in the individual seeds. Those can be difficult years to call for many for there is a 7 week Biblical time line associated with the early harvest of barley. Those years produce an extra vigilance on the other 9 witnesses in creation to the change from winter to summer in the Land.
Then we have years in which there is too much rain in the grain belts. That too has a negative impact on the growth cycle in some respects for the plant puts a lot of time and energy into building a much bigger stock and sending out lots and lots of tillers. That puts off seed production and in some years can account for 2-3 weeks of delay in the maturing of the kernels of grain in the head.
We have often demonstrated these things in the Land with two decades of inspections and you can review them in the stored Abib Inspection Reports at our website. The address is in the headings above.
It will be interesting for us all to see when the Elohim decide to open the heavens in the traditionally early grain growing areas of the Land. We hope you are having some fun in all this learning and observing process we undertake each year at this time.
More to come.
December 8, 2021
Hi Folks,
Winter wonderland on top of Mt Hermon today. Other parts of the country are getting rain. We will check the amounts in a day or two to see how they impact the moisture in the soils in the grain growing areas.
Picture compliments of Y-net News.
Friday December 3, 2021
Hi Folks and Happy Sabbath to you all. Here is a picture taken by Evgeny yesterday in Gesher.
Notice what the recent rains in the area have done to the wild oats. All the green shoots amidst the dead stalks of wild oats and wild barley. Please remember the the pattern of the oats in Israel. The early locations mature 3-4 weeks before the barley does. That is a simple fact. When we see the oats at this stage of growth we know that barley is germinating in sequence and will continue to based on meteorological conditions in the varying locations around the country.
With the warm temperatures and some rain in this location the oats have come on quickly. But! Once again, remember the parable about such things. This area of Israel will be experiencing declining temperatures as the month moves along. What that does is retard the rate of growth. That is a pattern in creation.
For you newcomers, it is not unlike looking at a winter wheat field in America at this time of year. If you remember, the beautiful green fields of young shoots all of a sudden stop growing and make little progress if any at all during the colder months. But as the warmer months approach they spring to life again.
That is what takes place in Israel with the wild oats and wild barley crops, but not to such a dramatic degree as our winter wheat. The life cycle is 90 days under prime conditions. Three months puts us at the end of February. Now add in the chilling effect and reduction of growth from the winter temperatures and you have the time cycle pushed out into March.
So, what we are to pay attention to is the length of the cold spells in the Land. We will focus on how cold it gets and for how long. That is what will determine the timing of the first locations of aviv barley and clearly show us the intentions of the Elohim.
We have already witnessed very warm temperatures through October and much of November. The Land did not get any significant rain until the 20th of the month which was used to bring the oats out of hibernation and shooting out green sprouts. That has already spoken volumes to us, but all the same we wait on our Creators to see the rest of the story.
To answer a few folks; that is why we follow the weather during October and November in the Land. It is what any good farmer would be doing. We follow the cycle from the beginning to the very end.
There may come a time in the near future where we will only have the patterns to depend on so please learn them while the window is open.
May you all have a wonderful Sabbath rest!
Friday December 3, 2021
Happy Preparation Day!
As promised here is the monthly report from the IMS for November. Lots of good information, but pay attention to the statistics for rain amounts against the averages. Even though a few isolated areas got some flooding rain, the vast majority are still well below where they should be for the month.
Cycles and patterns do not lie, nor do they lead us astray. Our Creators are the same yesterday, today, and forever.
Hope you all have a peaceful Sabbath rest.
Wednesday December 1, 2021
Hi Folks,
We are hoping things are well with you all and that you are being blessed in your walk in your calling from Father.
It is always nice to see rainbows in the Land and to think about the promise given associated with them. And then there is the rain factor, which the Land desperately has needed in many locations.
This link is to the annual comparison of rain for this year through November (recording starts each year at the end of August) and the rain totals for the last day of the month of November as well.
2021 Annual Comparison of Rain through November
The IMS will be posting the rain record for the month of November shortly and we will post it to the site. A few of the grain growing areas did get some good rain the last half of the month as compared to the 30 year norm but it happened in one event.
This month of December is the crucial month for germinated grain to be able to move through the first parts of Zadok's growth stages. Always wonderful waiting on the Elohim to show us Their intentions for the upcoming cycle.
Keep safe in the Lord. And do not forget to hide in the wide open. Let the controversies glide by on either side and continue your walk unobstructed.
Historical Abib Reports
Click to open or download:
2021 (Normal 12 month year)
2020 (Intercalated 13 month year)
2016 (Normal)
- Abib Summation Report Part 1 and 2
2013 (Normal)
- Some Basic Biblical Principles About Grain Agriculture
- A Response to the claim that the biblical year is a normal one instead of intercalated
Sabbath November 19, 2021
Winter has arrived in the desert. Lots of pictures and videos from around the Land.
Friday November 19, 2021
Hope you all have a good preparation day.
Looks like the Land is, and will be getting, more needed rain. The weathermen are still not sure how much to expect because of the variety of upper atmosphere conditions developing in the region.
The Negev needs the rain more than any other location that produces grain in Israel.
Once again we wait on the Elohim to show us their intentions with their accompanying patterns for us to follow.
Hope the upcoming Sabbath rest is one of peace and wonder for all.
Wednesday November 17, 2021
Hi Folks,
We are hoping all are well and being blessed in their walk to the Kingdom. There has been a lot of concern in Israel's farming communities about the lack of rain so far this season. That may be coming to an end shortly with some weather reporting agencies suggesting the winter rains will commence.
We will keep an eye open and keep you updated on the patterns for this rain cycle. Keep in mind December is the critical rain month for germination of the grain crop. That usually means there needs to be several substantial rain events in the second half of November to have a normal Abib Calendar cycle.
Patterns in creation are wonderful tools for us to watch the power and the mindset of the Elohim as to their intent for the start of another Biblical Year.
Sabbath, November 6, 2021
Good morning and Happy Sabbath to all!
We hope you are all doing well and overcoming the pulls and pushes of this present age.
Here is the IMS report for October weather data in Israel. It shows us that there were a few rain events in the Land during the month but nothing of any significance. In fact if you follow this link it will show you the accumulated rainfall since August and you can clearly see it is well under the average for the past 30 years.
The temperatures began to rise beyond seasonal values for the last one third of the month. Simply put, instead of becoming cooler, it got warmer. If this trend continues for another month as it has in some past years it may be pushing the barley cycle out into 2022 a month further. Of course, there is a lot of time to see if this will be sustained by the Elohim.
It is always fun and educational to follow the patterns in creation and especially as they pertain to the Abib Calendar as seen in the Land of Israel.
Friday October 29, 2021
Happy Preparation Day to All!
The skies in the land of Israel are filled with hundreds of species of birds migrating south for the upcoming winter season. Such a magnificent witness in creation to the will of the Elohim. If we could only be so perfectly true to our calling.
Many fields have been turned and prepared for seed to go in, just waiting for a little more moisture in the soil.
May you all have a wonderfully peaceful Sabbath rest ahead.
Keep safe in our Lord and Savior.
Tuesday October 19, 2021
Good Morning Folks,
We hope you are all doing well and holding fast through these bizarre times of confusion and chaos.
Some of you folks have been following the sporadic rainfall in Israel the past few weeks as it is unusual in its consistency during the month of October to many. We have included yesterdays rain totals for you to look at if you have not already done so.
Some may ask why is this important?
For several reasons. If this was just a one time event it would register as nothing really notable. However, it has been a recurring event in some locations in the north and even in the central areas of the Land. That has established a pattern for this time of year in the annual cycle. That is not the norm in some years but always is during the 8th month in the Abib Calendar cycle.
A result of this happening is that grain farmers may plant their crops a little earlier than normal. If this weather trend were to continue we would see crops germinating earlier as well. But, that in itself does not mean a normal Biblical year ahead for as critical as germination time of the grain crops is, it is more important to be watching what weather events hit in the month of February. In multiple years in the past we have witnesses grain growing rapidly through the end of January only to see that rapid growth halted by extremely cold weather and corresponding events in February throughout the Land of Israel.
So, we are to be diligent in keeping track of such things so we are not caught unawares.
Now to why are these simple rain events happening during October. The answer is also simple if we believe what is recorded in the Bible about this time of year and where it falls during the Abib Calendar timeline cycle.
In Acts the 27th chapter we have an account of Paul's journey to Rome commencing. In verse 9 we can read that Paul warned them not to continue sailing at that time of year because of the dangerous conditions which took place each and every year after the Day of Atonement/The Fast. A pattern known to anyone who was familiar with sailing in the eastern portion of the Mediterranean Sea.
In verse 14 these winds are given the name Euroclydon or Euraquilon. Please use your internet to look into their consistency from year to year. You will find that they normally start a few weeks after we keep the Day of Atonement. This is a pattern folks.
These winds are called Northeasters due to how they enter the region of the eastern Mediterranean. If you have a map of that area you will see an open area of sea between Greece and Turkey. That functions as a trough for the winds to race down and increase in intensity. On the map you will see an Island located in the open area of the sea. That is Crete. The scriptural account mentions it but only addresses the name of the south facing harbor to winter in.
If you go to windy.com you will be able to see winds blowing all over the earth in real time. Here you will see these winds set up and how they travel. The left arm of this wind splits at Crete rushing towards Asia Minor and the Land of Israel. If you look at them today you will see them hitting the entire length of the coast of Israel which has happened often the past several weeks.
This is the reason why they have been experiencing rain events the past few weeks. That is why they will be having unusual cooler weather in Jerusalem again tonight. The winds coming from the North West of Europe and Russia called the Euroclydon are always on time with the Biblical Calendar not the Gregorian Calendar. They are once again another Biblical proof, as well as a witness in creation, that we have kept this years cycle in sync with that of the Elohim.
There are so many witnesses in creation for us to see the timing of the Biblical Year that we are without excuse.
So please stay alert to them and please learn about them for they are an acclimation and a reassurance to our faith. In this case the pattern is simple and flawless. Each and every year these winds return with their dangerous sailing conditions and the weather events they bring to the Land, after the Day of Atonement, which Paul here calls: The Fast
So, yes dear brothers and sister, we did keep the Day of Atonement/The Fast at its correct time in the seventh month of the Abib Calendar.
Thank you for loving Father and Son!
Sabbath October 16, 2021
Good morning Folks and happy Sabbath to you all.
Please enjoy the experience of the Cranes returning from Europe now in great numbers. Within the next 1-2 weeks there will be an additional 30 to 40 thousand of them dropping from the skies as they are already in route from their summer nesting grounds to their winter feeding grounds in Northern Israel.
However, there are many more which will fly further south to Africa. Their pattern never fails. Once again they are right on time with the Abib Calendar.
Many more migrating species are also passing through the land as well. The reason is simple as we have addressed often in the past. In the Northern Hemisphere as the summer light diminishes a chemical reaction takes place in their brains which compels them to start flying south. The same thing happens as winter comes to an end and they fly north. This is what we call instinct. It is a process the Elohim have set in Their creation as one of the witnesses as to their desire to prepare to change the "season" from either winter to summer or summer to winter.
There are 9 more witnesses in creation which we use to herald in the start of the new year in either March or April in the Gregorian Calendar. We hope you become an active part in observing these magnificent patterns placed their for us to use in knowing when Father and Son want Their New Year to commence and thus the actual days They have declared for us to meet with Them.
If you come across any good evidences of the summer going out and winter coming in please let us know. Time is running short for them. Our contact information is listed on this Facebook Page and on the website. This is all practice in patterns for the Abib Calendar understanding we have and are willing to share with any and all.
Please keep safe in an ever increasing evil age.
Tuesday October 5, 2021
Good Morning Folks,
Here is a solar cycle update for your records. After experiencing the longest lasting minima cycle recorded ending near the start of this year it appears we are headed into a very aggressive 11 year sun cycle ahead.
For you old timers you will remember the relationship between the cycles highs and lows and grain production around the earth. We identified this pattern many years ago with the wild barley and it was confirmed a year or two later by researchers at Haifa University in their study of wheat crops and prices as they were affected by the solar cycle.
This is obviously an interesting development in regard to the next few years grain production. We will be keeping an eye on how many sunspots develop during the months of December and January and thus their effect on the grain growing cycle. Part of the pattern is that a lot of sunspots affect an earlier timing of the grain crop. So let's have some fun this cycle counting the frequency of them in the months ahead.
As per the attached article they are way ahead of the pattern for just coming out of a minima cycle. Some of you have the link to the cycle website but if you do not it is at the bottom of the file below.
Monday October 4, 2021
Hi Folks,
We are hoping things are well with you all and that you have prepped during the festivals for the long haul ahead until the start of the next Biblical Year.
If you have not yet seen the IMS summation for this years weather highlights to date here is a copy for you to review. Lots of interesting facts and supporting data for some of the weather patterns.
Thursday September 30, 2021
Hi Folks,
We hope you have been blessed with the keeping of the festivals of the 7th month. For many of us today is the annual rehearsal of the 8th day or as many refer to it the last great day.
With the rehearsals of this Biblical Year closing out it is time to make note of the next cycle in creation setting up. As we have addressed often in the past their are witnesses lodged into the annual migration cycle in the Land. With only having two divisions of the year in Israel (as we are instructed in Genesis 8:22) winter and summer it is our responsibility to recognize the short transition period between them so we are not caught unawares to the actual change. We apply the same criteria in the witness of the bird migrations in the transition from summer to winter as we do from winter to summer. We just put them in reverse for the birds are returning from the north and passing through the land to their wintering grounds in Africa.
The folks at Agamon have made note of the first arriving cranes. Many more will follow and then move on after a restful spell at their facilities in the Hula Valley. The pattern is one we look for starting in late September into early October. They are always on time because they are programed to do so by the Creators who have instilled them with "instinct" and thus they respond without hesitation.
As we approach the month of November we are hoping to see some rains actually set up, not the occasional showers of a few days ago. If that is the case the farming communities with have some moisture in the ground for the next grain crop and will respond accordingly with planting their fields. Of course this does not apply to fields that are irrigated through mechanical means.
If we do not get winter rains in November (which is the case in some years) we will have an interesting agricultural year setting up. The pattern since 2005 says it will be a normal year. If that is the case it will be the earliest start of the Month of Abib we have ever witnessed.
So, the criteria of early witnesses we are watching will be the timing of the winter rains and the timing of any snowfall in the period between late January and the middle of February. These are both defining moments in the annual cycles which affect the wild as well as the domestic barley crops in the Land.
Remember we watch for the patterns of all 10 witnesses in creation for the turn of the year from winter to summer. That all starts with recognizing when summer ends and winter begins in earnest.
We hope you are all keeping safe during these chaotic times of good being called evil and evil being called good. Hard to watch but all the same we must be good witnesses against such an evil generation for a future time of reference.